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COllective action Models for Energy Transition and Social Innovation

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Report: determinants for CAIs in Energy Transition and comparison case studies

This deliverable will contain a report on the determinants of CAIs in the energy transition It will also describe the assessment for selecting case studies that will be later subject to comparative analysis This deliverable corresponds to Task 32 and Task 33

Indicators for assessing CAIs performance (update)

This deliverable is the update of D62 This deliverable corresponds to Task 62

Report on validation of scenarios and roadmaps

This deliverable will produce a report focused on participatory validation of scenarios and roadmaps This deliverable corresponds to Tasks 65

Manual - A strategic roadmap for supporting social innovation in the energy sector

This deliverable will produce a manual emerging from a backcasting exercise that will also be carried out in a participatory way and deliver the information necessary for the elaboration of six roadmaps in national languages for local dissemination among CAIs This manual summarizes the shared findings and recommendations This deliverable corresponds to Task 53

Manual describing data sources, typologies, and validation procedures followed

Data sources typologies and validation procedures followed to build and release the inventory are carefully described

Report on participatory case studies and engagement strategies for scenario and roadmaps development

This deliverable is a report highlighting an effective engagement strategy to be used for scenarios and roadmaps building This deliverable corresponds to Task 43 subtask 432

Report on working definition of CAIs

This report will provide a common basis on the most relevant aspects to be investigated all along the knowledge building process (inventory, WP2-> survey, WP3-> case studies, WP4). This deliverable corresponds to Task 2.1.

Report: frontiers case studies of social innovation in the energy field

This deliverable focuses on exploring frontier case studies that represent a particularly innovative contribution to the future of social innovation in the energy transition This deliverable corresponds to Task 51

Report on the validation framework

This deliverable focuses on building a validation strategy and validating the Analytical Framework, which will commence at the kick-off meeting. This deliverable corresponds to Task 6.1.

Report on comparative case studies

This deliverable is a summary report merging six national reports on comparative case studiesThis deliverable corresponds to Task 43 subtask 431

Report on the evolution of the context and energy sector in 6 EU countries

This deliverable analyses the evolution of national and local energy systems and maps the actors and incentive structures. This deliverable corresponds to Task 4.1.

Report on Scenarios and Roadmaps for CAIs development

This deliverable focuses on developing plausible scenarios that explores and defines the boundaries of the system as well as the components or variables that compose the scenario space or system This deliverable corresponds to Task 52

COMETS website

This deliverable consists of the building and management of the project website. This deliverable corresponds to Task 7.2 (subtask 7.2.2).

Inventory of CAIs

This deliverable will consist of an inventory of CAIs populated through an extensive mining of data This deliverable corresponds to Task 22

Supporting web platform for CAIs development

This deliverable will launch a web platform for supporting CAIs activities. It will be updated for the duration of the project, then it will be integrated into the site of the project partner ECOLISE This deliverable corresponds to Task 7.1.


The contribution of energy communities to the up-scaling of photovoltaics in Germany and Italy

Author(s): A. Wierling, J.P. Zeiss, V. Lupi, C. Candelise, A. Sciullo, V.J. Schwanitz
Published in: Energies, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14082258

The Development of Citizen-Installed Renewable Energy Capacities in Former Eastern Bloc Countries—The Case of Poland

Author(s): Schwanitz, V.J, & Rudek, T. & Hubert, W.& Wierling, A.
Published in: Energies, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

Collective Action and Social Innovation in the Energy Sector: A Mobilization Model Perspective

Author(s): Jay Sterling Gregg, Sophie Nyborg, Meiken Hansen, Valeria Jana Schwanitz, August Wierling, Jan Pedro Zeiss, Sarah Delvaux, Victor Saenz, Lucia Polo-Alvarez, Chiara Candelise, Winston Gilcrease, Osman Arrobbio, Alessandro Sciullo, Dario Padovan
Published in: Energies, Issue 13/3, 2020, Page(s) 651, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13030651

Exploring Institutional and Socio-Economic Settings for the Development of Energy Communities in Europe

Author(s): Alessandro Sciullo; Gregory Winston Gilcrease; Mario Perugini; Dario Padovan; Barbara Curli; Jay Sterling Gregg; Osman Arrobbio; Erika Meynaerts; Sarah Delvaux; Lucia Polo-Alvarez; Chiara Candelise; Esther van der Waal; Henny van der Windt; Wit Hubert; Nele Ivask; Marek Muiste
Published in: Energies, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15041597

A Characterization of European Collective Action Initiatives and their Role as Enablers of Citizens’ Participation in the Energy Transition

Author(s): Veronica Lupi; Chiara Candelise; Merce Almuni Calull; Sarah Delvaux; Pieter Valkering; Wit Hubert; Alessandro Sciullo; Nele Ivask; Esther van der Waal; Izaskun Jimenez Iturriza; Daniele Paci; Nives Della Valle; Giorgos Koukoufikis; Tessa Dunlop
Published in: Energies, Issue 24, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14248452

Status and Evolution of the Community Energy Sector in Italy

Author(s): Chiara Candelise, Gianluca Ruggieri
Published in: Energies, Issue 13/8, 2020, Page(s) 1888, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13081888

Collective Action Initiatives as A Tool for A Peaceful Energy Transition

Author(s): Arrobbio, O., Padovan, D., Sciullo, A.
Published in: Energies, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15072696

Collective Action Initiatives. Some theoretical perspectives and a working definition

Author(s): Padovan, Dario; Arrobbio, Osman; Sciullo, Alessandro; Gilcrease, Gregory Winston; GREGG Jay Sterling,; Henfrey, Tom; Wierling, August; SCHWANITZ Valeria Jana,; Labanca, Nicola; Dunlop, Tessa; POLO ALVAREZ Lucía,; Candelise, Chiara
Published in: University of Turin Institutional Research Information System, Issue 1, 2019
Publisher: University of Turin

Who participates in and drives collective action initiatives for a low carbon energy transition?

Author(s): Wierling, A, Zeiss, J.P., Candelise, C., Sterling Gregg, J., Hubert, W., Schwanitz, V.J.
Published in: Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for strong sustainability, 2020, Page(s) 239-256, ISBN 979-10-92495-13-3
Publisher: Oeconomia Editions

The contribution of collective prosumers to the energy transition in Europe - Preliminary estimates at European and country-level from the COMETS inventory.

Author(s): Schwanitz, V. J., Wierling, A., Zeiss, J. P., von Beck, C., Koren, I. K., Marcroft, T., … Dufner, S.
Published in: 2021
Publisher: SocArXiv
DOI: 10.31235/

Collective Action Initiatives in the Energy Transition. Supporters of a strong sustainability paradigm?

Author(s): Sciullo, A., Wierling, A., Arrobbio, O., Delvaux, S., Gilcrease, W., Gregg, J.S., Henfrey, T. & Padovan, D.
Published in: Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for Strong Sustainability, 2020, Page(s) 257-272, ISBN 979-10-92495-13-3
Publisher: Editions Oeconomia

Putting people at the heart of energy transitions. Social innovation in energy: four projects shine a light on the path forward. Policy brief

Author(s): Audrey Abi Able, Kathrin Anger, Jacob Barnes, Regina Betz, JuliaBlasch, Ellen Boije af Gennäs Erre, Chiara Candelise, Silvia Caneva, Nives Della Valle, ElisabethDuetschke, Tessa Dunlop, Jan Fjornes, Winston Gilcrease, Nicolien van der Grijp, Marie-CharlotteGuetlein, Jakob Hoffmann, Sabine Hielscher, Christian Hoenow, Tanja Kamin, Volker Komrey, JungLin, Iban Lizarralde, Timothy Marcroft, Primož
Published in: 2022
Publisher: COMETS, NEWCOMERS, SocialRES, SONNET H2020 projects

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