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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Boosting future careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry


“UrBIOfuture experience” implementation report

This report will compile the main milestones and actions conducted during the experimental implementation of the “UrBIOfuture experience” activities.

Bio-based stakeholders completed and classified list

The list of Bio-Based stakeholders (IEG, industrial organisations, SMEs, enterprises, etc.) will include information such as name of the institution, address, website, contact e-mail, and short description of activities. Once the project started, and according to the steering committee, the Working Group and/or the Industry Expert Group, further relevant information could be added to the list.

Results from the co-creation exercise

Document introducing and summarizing the outcomes of the co-creation exercise

Comprehensive map of completed and ongoing programmes addressing curricula in the bio-based sector

According to the main areas of interest suggested by the industry expert group, we will present a map summarizing the main training programs implemented, at University and VET level, addressing Bio-Based content. The map will identify the key competences addressed in each program, as well as the main bio-based areas considered in it.

Results from the dynamic workshop fostering dialogue organisation

Document summarizing the main issues discussed during the dynamic workshop and highlighting the main proposals and ideas raised from the participants during the activity which may help the consortium to complete the output D.3.4.

Final Seminar Report

Sustainable Innovations will hold the final seminar with the idea of publicizing the findings of the program, its results and the roadmap to follow.

“UrBIOfuture experience” final design

Report gathering all the elements of the “UrBIOfuture” experience

UrBIOfuture newsletter 3

Newsletter 3 will present more information on the webinars contemplated within the scope of the project as well as latest news and milestones.

UrBIOfuture newsletter 4

As the project advances, Sustainable Innovations will inform the stakeholders about the latest news and events attended to talk about the project.

UrBIOfuture newsletter 5

The last newsletter to be sent will be mainly dedicated to summarizing the project, its achievements and to distribute the video recorded on M10.

UrBIOfuture newsletter 1

The first UrBIOfuture newsletter will be dedicated to present stakeholders the scope of the project, who the partners of the consortium are and what it is expected to be achieved during the project’s lifetime.

UrBIOfuture newsletter 2

The second newsletter will include interviews to the consortium partners and the latest news on the project.

UrBIOfuture website

Sustainable Innovations will be responsible for the development of an appealing website, based on the previous worked carried out to create a project visual identity, that will extend to all the project’s supports (templates, website, social media…). On the website, visitors will be able to access general information of the project, as well as the latest news on events and milestones achieved. It will also provide the main results of the activities carried out on the WP 2, 3 and 4. The website will provide access to a private area where partners will be able to upload all relevant documents of the project.

Project video

The project video will summarize the scope of the project and its aim is to attract students and talents to the bio-based sector in Europe.

UrBIOfuture webinar 2

Sustainable Innovations will be responsible for this educational programme that will identify the necessary skills and competences for the bioeconomy field.

UrBIOfuture webinar 1

In order to achieve a capacity building for the education sector, academia, industry and European communities, Sustainable Innovations will organize two webinars to be distributed online through platforms like Coursera.

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