Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BioSIGNAL (Biological pump Sensitivity and climate change: InterroGatiNg past environmentAL perturbations)
Reporting period: 2021-07-01 to 2022-06-30
Developing a mechanistic understanding of the response of biodiversity to environmental change is crucial for society. Marine species are an essential resource for human communities. They also constitute a key component of the Earth System and contribute to the regulation of climate at the global scale. But the response of the marine communities to ongoing climate change is uncertain. Studying the past is a key opportunity to gain knowledge that will ultimately permit to improve the next generation of models used to predict the consequences of climate change, hence providing more accurate predictions, and permitting to hopefully adopt the right measures.
The project focuses on a previously overlooked potential driver of marine biodiversity: the ocean dissolved oxygen concentration. Indeed, dissolved oxygen is necessary to complex animals. Studies of the present-day ocean confirm that biodiversity suddenly drops in poorly oxygenated regions. It is thus expected that the evolution of marine biodiversity at the geological timescale may have been driven by changes in ocean oxygenation, too. The goal of the BioSIGNAL project is to determine and quantify the relationship between ocean oxygenation and marine biodiversity over the last 550 million years.
We notably demonstrated that the high extinction rates documented over the ca. 100 million years following the appearance of the main animal groups could be explained by the poor ocean oxygen concentration (Stockey, Pohl et al., PNAS 2021), which could be due, at least in part, to the very specific configuration of the continents at that time (Pohl et al., revised for Nature). We also focused on specific periods of time and constrained the position of the continents and climate at the period when Life diversified in the oceans (around 520 million years ago; Hearing, Pohl et al., Nature Communications 2021) and were able to develop a model reproducing with success the spatial patterns of phytoplankton diversity at that time (Zacaï, Monnet, Pohl et al., Science Advances 2021). We also studied with a level of detail that had never been reached so far, the changes in ocean oxygen concentrations during the first of the major mass extinctions of the last 550 million years, during the latest Ordovician (ca. 444 million years ago). We demonstrated that ocean deoxygenation expanded in the deep ocean in response to cooling due to changes in the ocean circulation, but also showed that this mechanism does not permit to explain the concomitant mass extinction and that other kills mechanisms must be found (including cooling) (Pohl et al., Nature Geoscience 2021).
We are now improving our understanding of the co-evolution of marine Life and the physical environment during key geological periods that witnessed significant changes in the trajectory of global biodiversity (Devonian, early Triassic). Our main objective consists in combining our model of marine biodiversity (Stockey, Pohl et al., PNAS 2021; Zacaï, Monnet, Pohl et al., Science Advances 2021) with our updated environmental reconstructions of the last 550 million years (Pohl et al., revised for Nature) in order to provide new insights into the trajectory that led biodiversity to its present-day state.