Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ConvergeAnt (Uncovering the genomic underpinnings of the convergent evolution of a major social trait)
Reporting period: 2019-10-04 to 2021-10-03
The overall objectives of the project were to trace the evolutionary origin of genetic features underlying the polymorphism in queen number across ant species, evaluate changes in gene family size and content across such species and identify convergent patterns of selection on coding sequences. The prevalent understanding of social organisation in ants postulated that environmental factors control the number of queens in a colony. Limited genomic research, however, previously revealed that certain ant species independently evolved supergenes controlling the polymorphism in queen number. For example, colonies of S. invicta with a single queen include members carrying only the Social B (SB) supergene haplotype on the ‘social chromosome’ (chromosome 16). Colonies of S. invicta with multiple queens, however, contain the alternative Sb haplotype in heterozygous (SB/Sb) queens and workers. In this MSCA-IF project, we conducted a comparative genomic study to reveal the origin and evolution of the fire ant supergene. Specifically, we applied population genetics and phylogenetic methods to reveal the origin and subsequent evolution of a supergene across multiple species of Solenopsis fire ants, assess whether specific gene families consistently associate with supergene haplotypes and identify patterns of positive selection. Challenging previous studies, the findings of this study revealed that the supergene variant Sb originated in S. invicta and then introgressed into other Solenopsis species.
In addition to a published scientific article, we have one more manuscript under development. In this ongoing study, we aim to reveal protein-coding sequence changes linked to supergene haplotypes controlling ant social organisation. For this purpose, we have produced a set of genetic variants based on a new chromosome-level genome assembly of S. invicta. We have also generated an original gene set for this genome assembly using computational methods to predict genes from known transcripts and proteins. Moreover, we have mapped the 368 Solenopsis samples to the new genome assembly to generate a comprehensive set of genetic variants. Our continuing work intends to integrate the new genetic variants and gene set to evaluate whether protein-coding sequences harbour genetic changes consistently associated with supergene haplotypes across focal Solenopsis species. The findings of this project indicate that a complex trait such as the polymorphism in queen number can originate through a supergene variant able to cross species boundaries.