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Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DRIVE 0 (Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process)

Période du rapport: 2021-04-01 au 2022-09-30

Why: The overall aim of DRIVE 0 is to come to a decarbonization of the EU building stock and to accelerate
deep renovation processes by enhancing a consumer centred circular renovation process in order to make
deep renovation more attractive for consumers and investors, environmentally friendly and cost effective.

How: By combining the need for a circular building industry with the identification of specific local drivers
to trigger and to motivate end-users for deep renovation, supported by an anthropology based and
environmentally friendly approach to make it costumer-centred and respectful of local geo-material areas
and implementing urban mining and material banks.

What: DRIVE 0 will achieve this by the following 4 - step approach:

1. Developing proven deep renovation products and concepts, for example from several recent EU
projects, further to circular renovation products and concepts (with a TRL 8 to 9) based on local
available materials and components including those from existing building stock, with emphasis on
easy to install plug & play prefab solutions for building envelope elements and building services, to be
produced in fully automated BIM controlled production processes.
2. Developing attractive consumer centred business models based on circular renovation concepts
supported by digitalization and gamification.
3. Providing occupants with attractive and understandable information on building performances in use.
4. Providing relevant stakeholders evidence of performance of the developed DRIVE 0 solutions by local
study and demonstration cases initiated by ‘local drivers’.

Objective 1: To make deep renovation processes more attractive, environmentally friendly, faster and cost effective for end-users by combining circularity, product innovation and process innovation.
The first step to achieve this objective is (re)developing proven plug & play prefab deep renovation solutions for building elements and building services a step further towards holistic circular renovation products and concepts.

Objective 2: To provide consumers and potential investors of deep renovation projects with attractive and understandable information of real total life-cycle performances (energy use, indoor environment and well-being).

Objective 3: To demonstrate circular renovation solutions in combination with local drivers in live study and demonstration cases.

Objective 4: To foster new consumer centred business models for circular renovation concepts.
This objective is to devise new consumer centred circular business models, supported by the use of existing financial mechanisms, instruments and decision tools, in combination with economic attractive circular renovation products to enhance success for circular renovation concepts in the market.

Objective 5: To roll out the DRIVE 0 concept on a wider European scale by mobilizing European interest groups and umbrella organizations.
• Successful 3 project meetings & 1 Technical workshop with regular monthly WP Leaders web meetings.
• D1.4 Data Management Plan, D1.5 Ethics manual prepared.
• Given the COVID-19 pandemics explosion in Mar 2020, the project’s technology developments and demonstrators workflows have been closely monitored. For this reason, another consortium meeting organized 11-12 June 2020. Due to complex nature of the project, assessment of risks and the respective contingency plans have been done,
• D2.1 reporting T2.1 and T2.2 -> Benchmarking, list of KPIs & defined selection of solutions for further development to circular products. The circularity products assessment criteria based on a 2-level approach in which the level framework is combined with the T6.1 indicators.
• Ongoing work T2.3-2.6: First strategies for circular 2D building envelope, 3D elements, prefab integrated HVAC units & PnP connections.
• 1st Technical workshop organized to clearly define the ambition for product and service developments of the 5 industries and 7 demonstrators circularity potentials.
• D3.1 submitted - a guideline for a morphological design approach for circular renovation. D3.2 - a description of the boundary conditions of an enhanced circular renovation process.
• Exchange on the renovation process experience of the demonstrators as part of T3.3 ongoing.
• D4.1 Collection of monitoring technologies, methodologies, and information services & D4.2 Monitoring protocol submitted. Quick guide about ethnography research of circular renovation-process & COVID-19 implication on engagement with building owners' were added in annexes of D4.2.
• Extensive work on T4.3 to provide attractive information to different building occupants.
• Mockup of T4.4 tool development. Workshops organized with Umbrella partners, technical and pilot partners to validate the mockup.
• CE taxonomy strategy proposed & Assessed the ‘degree of circularity’ based on the industries company’s value proposition & organizational values. Furthermore, circular economy business model (CEBM) strategies proposed for the different industries. Assessment of the barriers hampering uptake of CEBM done.
• D5.1 which is due in M24, almost completed.
• D6.1 Benchmarking on the circularity potential of the demonstrators submitted. Benchmark assessment was done by linking Building Environmental Assessment (with Embodied Energy and Embodied CO2 as indicators), Building Circularity Indicators (BCIs) and Design for Disassembly (DfD) criteria for all the cases.
• D6.2 including Monitoring Action Plans for all the demonstrators submitted. NKUA’s regular ‘communication’ with Local Pilot Leaders on the pilot activities through online Activity log updates. Collection of Informed consent forms signed by the owners of the demonstrators for the approval of the monitoring procedure and collection of data.
• T6.3 Step 1 – deep testing in living labs/small scale ongoing.
• D7.1 Corporate identity, D7.3 website & social media, D7.2 Dissemination & Communication Plan done.
• 3 newsletters: 1st newsletter, 2nd newsletter & 3rd newsletter. Partners’ campaign on social media ongoing, YouTube channel.
• Several events (including our own symposium), public exposures (COP 25, SP 2020) and submitted publications. Drive 0 position and press releases on EU Green Deal, Renovation Wave prepared by EU umbrella organizations.
Results Objective 1: a) Ready to use circular plug & play prefab renovation solutions for the seven demonstration cases; b) produced by fully automated BIM controlled prefabricating production lines (factories).

Results Objective 2: Existing platforms to provide attractive and understandable information of real total performances customized and implemented in the seven demonstration cases.

Results Objective 3: a) Seven live study and demonstration cases demonstrating the working of validated and evidence based operational DRIVE 0 holistic circular renovation packages and supporting business models; b) The ‘EU Circular Renovation Atlas’, considering environmental aspects, local based geo-materials to be implemented.

Results Objective 4: a) Tailor made consumers centred business models for the seven demonstration cases; b) One blueprint for a consumer centred business model for circular renovation concepts.

Results Objective 5: A European wide roll out of the DRIVE 0 results, including the DRIVE 0 platforms, by the involved European umbrella organisations to their members.
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