Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Salmofish (Tracing T3SS effectors in vivo during Salmonella infection in the zebrafish model)
Reporting period: 2019-05-01 to 2021-04-30
Additionally, we have described new host substrates for SlrP and other effectors, like SspH1, SspH2 and SseK. We have opened new lines of research in the hosting laboratory:
1. Functional analysis of Salmonella T6SS.
2. C. elegans as Salmonella infection model.
In addition to conduct a research project and produce relevant results regarding the impact of Salmonella T3SS effectors to the infection process, The MCSA action has allowed me to mentor 4 master students, 2 undergraduate students, 2 PhD students and participate in teaching activities of the Genetics department.
In addition to envisaged work packages in Salmofish action, I have been involved in ongoing projects of the hosting laboratory to analyze the biological role of the T3SS effector SseK1 and the supervision of a PhD student who is defending his thesis within the coming months. Remarkably, I have started a new and independent line of research in the hosting department aiming to dissect the ecological and molecular mechanisms underlying the bacterial interference provided by S. Typhimurium T6SS against the indigenous microbiota in the zebrafish model and its contribution to the infection. The overall aim of this research is to better understand the contribution of these anti-bacterial nanomachines to the dynamic interface between Salmonella and the host. We have generated so far relevant preliminary data that have been presented in National congresses of Genetics and with good perspectives of publication.
During the course of the MSCA-IF-H2020-842629 we have sadly experienced the deep impact of the Coronavirus disease (COVID) pandemic. In particular, last March 2020 was marked by the onset of a strict confinement, not just in my country (Spain), but in the rest of the world, in order to prevent the quick dissemination of the SARS-Cov-2. As expected, this fact has had an important influence in the course of our planned work. However, I took advantage of the lock-down period to analyse previous generated data and I have been able to publish one original article and one review.
During the course of the MSCA action, we have published 2 original papers, 1 revision and present 5 communications in national congresses (2 talks and 3 poster).
Finally, the MCSA actions has allowed me to lead a full research program, with substantial formative contents, in one of the leading groups worldwide in the study of protein effectors of Salmonella type III secretion systems and it has also put me in an optimal position to obtain other long-term competitive Spanish grants to ultimately run my own lab and research projects and become a reference research group in Salmonella-host interactions.