This fellowship aimed to use a novel simultaneous dendritic voltage and calcium imaging and whole-cell recording technique to investigate dendritic processing in behaving mice. We aimed to investigate how spatio-temporal processing of dendritic signals convey sensory information and relate to learning, specifically the role of back-propagating action potentials for memory formation. To do this a sensory stimulus, such as a whisker deflection, would be used to evoke somatic and dendritic signals in individual neurons. Spatio-temporal dendritic voltage and calcium maps and somatic signals would be simultaneously recorded. Dendritic signalling maps recorded during sensory stimulation would be compared to signal maps of spontaneous activity, and also monitored during behavioural training (such as learning the water reward task). Mouse behaviour would also be recorded (using high speed cameras and water spout licking sensor, for example). Simultaneous whole-cell electrophysiology was planned to detect somatic action potentials, and by comparison with spatio-temporal dendritic voltage and calcium maps, back-propagating signals detected and their characteristics during mouse behaviour would be examined.