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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Fostering Sustainable Living cities

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FEASIBLE (Fostering Sustainable Living cities)

Période du rapport: 2021-01-13 au 2022-12-12

The EU-funded FEASIBLE project aims to promote actions which assist homeowners, condominium managers and public managers in the Province of Parma, who wish to make energy efficient upgrades to their public and residential buildings. As far as residential buildings are concerned, the project has set up an OSS structure that offers institutional, legal and technical support to homeowners and condominium administrators and has conducted, in complete synergy with the OSS, targeted support actions such as consensus building processes to facilitate and accelerate the Parma building energy renovation.The project has triggered energy efficiency investments into the building stock of €17,9m that will consent primary energy saving of about 4 GWh/year, thereby contributing to the European Green Deal’s renovation wave.
According to the milestone table FEASIBLE has substantially achieved all the project objectives.
In particularly during its life the project:
• Launched a wide communication campaign addressed to the private homeowners (via city posters, local TVs and Radio, direct contact to a targeted audience, etc.) to raise their awareness about the existing financial incentives to
improve the energy efficiency of their home.
• Set up and managed the Parma OSS named "Energy & Condominiums" (Energia & Condomini)
• Set up the facilitation services that, through a consensus building process, aim at promoting the interest and strengthening the motivation of homeowners to invest in energy efficiency works.
• Supported the local public body ASP Parma in carryng out out energy renovations in 6 Nursing Homes.

The Parma OSS and the facilitation services have worked as two complementary, synergistic and parallel actions involving both the material component (the building to be renovated), and the 'human' aspect (tied to enabling an agreement between apartment owners and residents). The main scope of these services was to provide administrative and technical support to the condominiums that joined the FEASIBLE project to obtain the law incentives ruled by the 110% Superbonus (an Italian measure that provided incentive for building energy renomation covering the 110% of the total costs).

Spcifically the services offered by the OSS have been structured according to the following four lines of action:
• Access service and retrieval of documents, for the verification of the building and town planning conformity of the common parts for the accession to the law incentives
• Drafting service of preliminary feasibility analysis to evaluate the type of possible interven-tions and the calculation of energy savings, through the simplified conventional Energy Performance Certificate.
• Commissioning service, through a platform for further verification of the correctness of the documentation
• Collaboration with the Building Office of the City of Parma to answer the questions posed to the helpdesk by technicians and building managers to overcome the difficulties of integration between the rules of the Municipal Building Regulations
and those relating to the Superbonus.

The facilitation services focused on the human factor to try to compose and harmonize the different points of view and help the condominium to make informed and rational choices, in agreement with the building administrators. Operationally, the FEASIBLE project developed:
• a strategy of communication and involvement of condominiums to stimulate interest in the redevelopment of energy and make known the support and assistance services offered by the Desk
• a mediation path to help the condominium to arrive at a choice that was as consensual as possible, but also well motivated.

The method of consensus-building was thus applied to ensure that all owners had the opportunity to be fully informed about opportunities and problems and to freely express their point of view within a listening space, especially where ideas, needs and conditions different by age, culture, family conditions and economic availability emerged. The facilitation services proved particularly useful - if not crucial - in contexts with greater social complexity, especially in large apartment buildings where conflicts or tensions related to cohabitation are easily triggered. In these 'sensitive' areas, energy renovations have proven to be more complex and often became sources of potential conflicts. Despite the obstacles found confronting with the condominiums reality the Desk has succeeded in making the process smoother, to the point of qualifying as a replicable and exportable service, applicable to other scenarios in which the "human factor" plays a major role and requires specific handling.

For what concerns the energy renovation of the nursing home managed by ASP Parma, the project has contributed to support the technical and administrative activities aimed at the development of the complex procedure related to the setting up and implementation of a tender for the award of a service concession for the building’s energy efficiency improvement through a process of Public Private Partnership.

The final results achieved by the synergic action of technical and facilitation services was:
86 condominiums have contacted the OSS by mail or telephone.
49 condominiums have required to take part in the project and 48 have been accepted.
Of these condominiums:
• 11, equivalent to 12 buildings and 271 apartments, have started energy renovation works in 2022, whereas 1 condominium is going to start the works at the end of January 2023.
• 20 condominiums have renounced to proceed with the energy renovation.
• 16 condominiums are, at the date of this report, still assessing whether or not to proceed with the energy renovation or are looking for a suitable building company.

All in all the 12 condominiums that have started, or are going to start, the energy renovation works received funds for a total of 15,7 Million of Euro and triggered energy savings of 2,24 GWh/year in primary energy

ASP Parma reached the objective of refurbishing 17.400 square meters for a total of 470 beds of the buildings (public living-assisted places ) for an investment of 2.22 Million of Euro and trigegred enegy savings of 1,67 GWh/year in primary energy.

The exploitation and dissemination activities of the project reached, mainly through the networking activity, issuing of newsletters on a wide spread regional buletin, articles on the local press and spots on social media, an order of magnitude of 1.000 citizens, 200 local and regional policy makers, national energy agencies like ENEA and locals ones in centre-northen of Italy.
• Improvement of the energy efficiency performance of the city private collective buildings with parallel important impacts on the local economy also in terms of employment and the decreasing of the energy poverty.
• Improvement of the energy efficiency performance of the city public living-assisted places.
• Creation of the city One Stop Shop as a point of orientation and support for the public and private investors in the building sector of the Parma municipality and province, with the medium-term ambition to become a reference body at regional
and national level.
• Experimentation and tuning up in the field of a methodology for carrying out psycho-social activities inside condominiums in order to create a consensus building process among the homeowners for the energy renovation of buildings.
One stop shop