Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PEARL (Programme for EArly-stage Researchers in Lille)
Reporting period: 2019-09-09 to 2021-09-08
The coordination of the PEARL programme is managed by the I-SITE Université Lille Nord-Europe Foundation, of which the purpose is to implement several actions in the framework of the construction of the new university of Lille to be created on January, 1st 2022. Our founding members are the University of Lille, Centrale Lille, ENSAIT, ENSAPL, Sciences Po Lille, ENSAM (Lille campus), CNRS, Inria, Inserm, Institut Pasteur de Lille and Lille University Hospital.
All the PEARL PhD projects are linked with two of our 4 graduate programmes which are “Precision Health”, “Science for a changing planet”, “Information & knowledge society” and “Changing cultures, societies and practices”. Their research aims at transferring fundamental discoveries to applied technologies, to produce tangible innovation in society. The PhD students involved acquire and practice a real true interdisciplinary approach and bridge the gap between different fields of science.
PEARL is offering top quality conditions and a highly attractive environment of excellence, intended to fuel student’s desire to learn, as well as boost their taste for entrepreneurship and, creativity in research. The interdisciplinary / transnational character of the PhD projects, along with international and inter-sectorial secondments will be an asset for the future employability of PhD students both in and outside academia.
A first call to pre-select research projects proposed by a couple of 2 thesis directors and then a second call to select the best PhD candidates. Following the high number of excellent candidates, we decided to fund 17 PhD students to begin on September 2020.
All the information about the calls were displayed on our website and social media. We advertised the PhD offers on Euraxess portal, through our networks and during abroad recruitment fairs. Moreover, we informed Science Attachés of French Embassies and Institut français representatives around the world in order spread information with short presentations, posters and flyers through their national networks.
During the second period from September 2020 to September 2021, we renewed the same recruitment process to fund the last PEARL PhD fellows to reach our target of 30 financed PhD students grants. In parallel, we gave special care to our first laureates in order to welcome them in the best conditions possible, advice for VISA, accommodation, bank accounts, etc. We ensured with our partner organisations a smooth recruitment process regarding all the administrative documents to prepare and fill in. The PEARL project manager is their privileged contact at the I-SITE ULNE foundation concerning these matters. Their thesis directors, laboratory and doctoral school staff are their privileged contact regarding their scientific project.
The interdisciplinary / transnational character of the PhD projects, associated to international and inter-sectorial secondments constitute an asset for the future employability of PhD students both in and outside academia.
The unique training portfolio offered by PEARL complete the scientific and technical trainings proposed by the graduate programme, focusing on acquiring soft skills such as communication, digital mastering, business culture etc. The acquisition of skills will be monitored by the Career Development Plan, to be updated/modified proactively by PhD students and their supervisors.