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Optical link for free space laser communication to satellites.

Description du projet

La course entre Internet et l’espace

La croissance et la prolifération des appareils connectés et de l’Internet des objets (IdO) sont subordonnées au développement des technologies liées à Internet. L’Internet optique jouera un rôle important dans l’avenir de l’IdO et est idéalement positionné face au fort regain d’intérêt pour l’industrie spatiale. Qui plus est, les coûts dans ces domaines sont déjà en train de diminuer. Cela pourrait apporter un accès à Internet aux quelque 3 milliards de personnes qui n’en disposent pas. Cela pourrait également favoriser l’essor de nombreuses start-up dans ce secteur. Malheureusement, les turbulences atmosphériques empêchent la mise en place de liaisons optiques montantes adéquates vers les satellites, ce qui ralentit les progrès réalisés. Le projet OpticalSpaceLink, financé par l’UE, développera une solution à ce problème en utilisant des concepts dérivés des applications astronomiques.


The “OptialSpaceLink” mission of TOPTICA PROJECTS (PRO) is to position itself as a critical enabler for the next generation optical internet. Recently, the space industry has seen a dramatic transition from an industry almost exclusively addressed by governments and large corporations towards a fast moving industry driven by many start-ups, new ideas for business and applications and new horizons in thinking. The so-called NewSpace age is rising. Falling launch costs and strong investments in start-ups have resulted in steadily increasing optimism about future commercial use of space. Next generation Internet-via-Satellites is one of the reasons for this optimism and is going to happen within the next three to five years. This new kind of internet network has the potential to connect the more than three billion of people still unconnected on earth. It critically depends on fastest data backbone links from ground to satellite and vice versa, that can only be implemented with optical connections. Today, atmospheric turbulence prevents a proper optical uplink to the satellite. PRO’s OpticalSpaceLink addresses this technology gap with concepts derived from astronomical applications where PRO’s product defines today the state of the art. With a breakthrough solution, leveraging our core technology, OpticalSpaceLink changes the game of the worldwide optical space internet. Only OpticalSpaceLink will enable future space-based optical Internet. In addition, with this product PRO will open up a plurality of other space applications outside telecommunication. By its contribution to “connecting the unconnected”, this project brings multiple benefits to EU citizens, generates high-tech jobs and enables the channel for a fast growing new European industry. It will strengthen Europe’s position in the New Space-revolution and prevent it from being left behind in the next gold rush in space (Europe behind the NewSpace-revolution; Dr Tom Enders, CEO AIRBUS, Bremen, October 2018).

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 494 226,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 3 563 181,25