Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MyKite (Fly with Big Data)
Reporting period: 2019-02-01 to 2019-07-31
For the market feasibility study, we conducted an in-depth analysis to better identify the total addressable market, by carefully reading official Eurostat and OECD data on SMEs and understanding, out of these, which could be the share of potential customers. Through this study we also analysed competitors with similar or complementary products, starting from a wide analysis of the software review websites, and finding that the highlights on cross-sector technology and the specific features of data accessibility are not carefully developed by these.
For the commercial feasibility study, we analysed the prices proposed by our competitors to understand the customers’ willingness to pay. This led us to define a better pricing plan.
For the financial feasibility study, we updated our revenue growth, adjusting it according to the number of potential customers and the new pricing, and developing it over the next five years.
During the technical feasibility study, we identified the list of business sectors to be proposed to our customers, starting from leading consulting companies’ operations. We also developed a procedure for the study of images associated to sectors, in order to provide insights hidden in the visual communication and initiated the activities to improve the platform user interface and experience. Finally, we organized meetings with potential partners, aiming to define collaborations for the application of advanced technologies in the platform navigation and information provided.