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A disruptive pre-assembled Self-Regenerating solvent Recovery Plant based on the vapor recompression principle in order to diminish the emission of volatile organic compounds to environment.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SRRP (A disruptive pre-assembled Self-Regenerating solvent Recovery Plant based on the vapor recompression principle in order to diminish the emission of volatile organic compounds to environment.)

Reporting period: 2019-03-01 to 2019-06-30

Large volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions are associated with the use of solvents. These compounds are extremely dangerous to human health, as they lead to respiratory problems, and they are detrimental to the environment, being ozone precursors. Therefore, manufacturing companies need to comply with strict regulation to reduce VOCs emission to given thresholds. Solvent recovery systems (SRS) are industrial plants used to recover solvents volatilised during manufacturing operations, while abating VOCs emissions. These systems are therefore of vital importance to all companies using solvents in their processes. Unfortunately, due to their large cost and space requirements, these systems are not affordable for SMEs, that can only opt for incineration to fulfil emissions standards.
The purpose of this feasibility study was to analyse the technical, financial and commercial potentialities of SRRP, a pre-assembled modular SRS, to fulfil the needs of small companies to recover solvents, save money and abate emissions.
During this feasibility study we carried out a technical, financial and commercial analysis of SRRP. A detailed technical plan for the finalisation of the demonstration plant was defined, identifying cost and benefits, materials, measures to mitigate potential risks and confirming the project’s technical viability. SRSs market and solvent using industries were analysed to assess the feasibility of our commercial strategy. From this analysis it was concluded that SRRP will satisfy the demand for affordable and efficient SRSs that will allow SMEs to improve their profitability while reducing their impact on the environment in our main target markets (EU, Northern Africa, Middle East & Asia). The financial projections elaborated confirmed the project is viable from a financial point of view as the initial investment will be paid back in 4 years with cumulative profits in 5 years of over €3.3M.
SRRP will be the only SRS accessible to SMEs, reducing their VOCs emissions, energy and water consumption, and their dependence on oil products. SRRP will have not only a positive impact on air quality, but also on EU industries. Because of strict environmental regulation, some SMEs are either forced to close or to relocate outside the EU, when they cannot afford emissions abatement systems and procedure. The affordability of SRRP for SMEs will keep EU small-scale industry running.