Periodic Reporting for period 1 - VACTEC (VACTEC_Responsive corrosion inhibiting Vacuum Technology-based fire protection system)
Reporting period: 2019-03-01 to 2019-06-30
The fight against fire hazard in buildings is complicated by failures in fire protection systems, mostly due to corrosion and obstructions produced by sludge formation and/or freezing in the pipes. This causes false, delayed or failed activation of the system, causing severe infrastructure damage, destruction of heritage sites and, even worse, unrecoverable losses of lives. Fire losses in EU are estimated to cost as much as €153 billion annually.
To face this problem, we have developed a very efficient fire protection/suppression system based on vacuum sprinkler technology (Vactec), resolving the aforementioned issues inherent to the conventional fire sprinkler systems. Vactec’s technical, commercial and financial feasibility has been assessed in this study.
- further reduction of the corrosion and response time of the system by lowering the operating pressure at idle state, from -180 to -700 mbar (relative pressures) : hydraulic calculations confirmed the compliance with the sprinkler standards.
- qualification of the system to allow the use of any type of sprinkler head in the market (development of a new adapter) : a first prototype was built
- enlargement of the range of applications through the development of adaptors for water-mist and deluge systems.
- Corrosion inhibited by removing oxygen and water.
- Water leaks avoided (no water in the pipes).
- Suitable for extreme environments (no risk of freezing).
- Faster water delivery.
- Any water source possible (not only drinkable water).
- Less maintenance and much lower operational costs.
- Pipeline lifespan extended.
Vactec can save billions of €, in Europe and worldwide. More importantly, it can save thousands of lives.