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Fulfilling the 5G Promise

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Full5G (Fulfilling the 5G Promise)

Période du rapport: 2020-09-01 au 2021-08-31

The Full5g Project was the Support Action for the 5G PPP initiative.

As such the Full5G stimulated and supported activities within the 5G PPP to ensure the program as a whole acts in a coherent and concerted way towards the realisation of 5G in Europe as soon as possible.
The roll out of 5G in Europe is essential for the continued growth and development of all parts of the Economy and for the implementation of a truly inclusive digital society in Europe.

The Overall Objectives were to:

* Help the Vertical Industry sectors to realise the value of the 5G in order to accelerate 5G uptake in Europe.
* Improve the Vertical sector stakeholder involvement in the validation of 5G services.
* Promote the 5G PPP high level goal of enhancing the competitiveness of European ICT industries.
* Assert European leadership in the 5G domain – across research, development and uptake.
* Organise and manage the inter-project collaborative infrastructure for 40 (or possibly more) concurrent 5G PPP projects during phase 3 of the 5G PPP.
* Stimulate, organise and implement strategic events and activities both in the inter-5G PPP project domain and in the public domain for the promotion of 5G PPP activities.
* Provide an efficient infrastructure for the communications services, shared workspaces, repositories, websites and social media of the 5G PPP community at large.
* Provide an online repository for public results of the 5G PPP so that they may be found and accessed even after individual projects have closed.
During Period 2 the programme grew significantly milestone with the start of the Phase 3 projects. These new projects involved a very high proportion of new participants to the 5G PPP who came mostly from the Vertical application sectors and have now been fully integrated into the 5G PPP activities. They have since proved very constructive participants and contributed significantly via consultations and position papers to improving the understanding of how 5G can be deployed and used.

This ongoing work to improve the Vertical sector stakeholder involvement in the validation of 5G services is allowing the application demands of the vertical sectors to percolate through to the infrastructure operators and even to the infrastructure providers to improve 5G offerings.
In particular the Business Validation in 5G PPP Vertical Use Cases – (White Paper June 2020), prepared by the Vision and Societal Challenges Working Group, shows how the vertical value propositions and business models could be enabled and how, as a consequence, the secondary supply side benefits in terms of the designing, building, maintaining and operation of a network could be identified. The 5G PPP Verticals task force and the Technology Board have prepared an overview of the running pilot trials to validate 5G for vertical use cases using the 5G PPP research infrastructure projects in the 5G PPP ecosystem (Brochure, February 2020). This close involvement and interaction with the vertical players actively promotes the 5G PPP high level goal of enhancing the competitiveness of European ICT industries.

Many workshops in international events were organised during period 2 to present the status and assert European leadership of European 5G activities in the 5G domain – across research, development and uptake.

The Support action core work of organising and managing the inter-project collaborative infrastructure for an average of 50 concurrent 5G PPP projects during this period continued. The project has successfully provided and operated the working infrastructure for the 5G PPP which included: the support for the SB, TB, all working groups, comms group, and individual project activities. The average number of projects running concurrently in this period .

The work on communications has involved over 45 events where substantial work has been undertaken to promote 5G PPP activities. The project has been active in stimulating, organising and implementing strategic events and activities both in the inter-5G PPP project domain and in the public domain for the promotion of 5G PPP activities. The project has responded very well to the COVID-19 restraints to ensure continuity of many inter-project actions and public events by replacing the physical events with webinars.

Full5G provided an efficient infrastructure for the communications services, shared workspaces, repositories, websites and social media of the 5G PPP community at large. This involved Terabytes of data and the website has attracted over 100,000 unique visitors and major documents are frequently downloaded. As the 5G PPP progresses the support action is taking greater steps to ensure the public results of the 5G PPP may be found and accessed even after individual projects have closed. The programme level document repository (BSCW) currently contains public folders with the public deliverables from phase one and two projects and a number of Deliverables already from Phase 3.
As a support action, Full5G strived to ensure the novel inventions and technical achievements were promoted to as wide an audience as possible. in particular, 5G PPP projects were very active in transferring their results in SDOs. Their contributions have been collected and analysed in the context of the Pre-Standardization WG.

One of the recent objectives was the mapping of the path from first 5G systems to future smart networks as a seamless, infinitely-flexible system. Assessing the outcomes of past and currently active 5G-PPP projects the Vision WG has worked for road-mapping for the transition from Phase 3 to the Smart Network Era and the NetWorldEurope SRIA. This activity took into consideration the analysis of the Phase 3 portfolio, which is also tracked through the online Verticals Cartography and through the Pre-Standardization WG. All this information has been adopted and included in the Smart Networks and Services Partnership Proposal.

A challenge for Full5G was to enure a mechanism for the support of the remaining phase of the 5G PPP would exist and a mechanism to support minimal services was found to ensure that the results of the final phase of the program are carried forward to the Horizon Europe activities in the Smart Networks and Services Domain.