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VertIcal demos over Common large scale field Trials fOr Rail, energy and media Industries

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - 5G-VICTORI (VertIcal demos over Common large scale field Trials fOr Rail, energy and media Industries)

Période du rapport: 2021-06-01 au 2023-06-30

Digital technologies have been identified by the EU as key in addressing some of its fundamental challenges associated with societal and economic objectives, such as improved quality of living for citizens, sustainable development and economic growth. This approach is becoming a reality for millions of people around the world creating new opportunities for governments, businesses and individuals. In this context, telecommunication networks will play a fundamental role in bringing these technologies to society, organizations and countries transforming their every day’s life in the way services are provided, and businesses as well as governments are run. The effect of this approach is expected to influence a large variety of sectors through the ability to offer connected goods, collaborative and automated processes within and across sectors, optimized processes with regards to energy or other resource consumption, optimized transportation and logistics, new and improved services with regards to safety and security, user experience etc. Some of the sectors, also known as verticals to the ICT industry will be clearly influenced and benefited by this approach.

However, this transformation will require new service capabilities that network operators need to support including: i) connectivity for a growing number of very diverse devices, ii) ubiquitous access with varying degrees of mobility from low to high in heterogeneous environments and, iii) mission critical services currently handled by closed specific purpose networks, supporting highly variable performance attributes in a cost and energy-efficient manner. Typical examples include networks used to provide operational services in mobile telecommunication networks, vertical industries such as communication networks used by railway operators, energy metering, smart factories, media services, etc. These demanding and diverse requirements cannot be supported by current 4G solutions and best effort internet connections or even a smooth migration from existing network architectures and technology deployments to next generation solutions. Instead, it requires a paradigm shift to support the upcoming service requests imposing enormous capacity requirements that exceed 1000 times current bandwidth needs, available to 10s of billions of end-devices fixed and mobile devices, following new service models such as cloud-based solutions. Only future proof infrastructures adopting flexible architectures offering converged services across heterogeneous technology domains deploying unified software control will be able to address a wide range of vertical industry services.

In response to these needs, 5G platforms can play an instrumental role in bringing together technology players, vendors, operators and verticals orchestrating their interaction with the aim to open up new business models and opportunites for the ICT and vertical industries and also enable cross-vertical collaborations and synergies to offer further enhancement in value propositions. As 5G targets to support a set of stringent requirements in terms of latency, reliability and density, along with tight constraints on geographical and population coverage and high speed mobility capabilities, it is clear that it can provide the most suitable framework in support of the greatly varying strict requirements of vertical industries. In view of this, it is expected that 5G can facilitate the cost levels required to meet the vertical customers’ expectations and needs, satisfying at the same time the guaranteed level of QoS expected by end-users and the sustainability objectives demanded by society. A significant part of this interaction includes identification and definition of vertical industry requirements that will be translated into technical specifications with the aim to drive technical developments in support of the vertical service offerings and cross-vertical collaborations.

5G-VICTORI aims at conducting large scale trials for advanced use case verification in a commercially relevant 5G environment for a number of verticals: Transportation, Energy, Media and Factories of the Future.
To date, 5G-VICTORI has defined the specifications and requirements of the project’s use cases that must be satisfied in the 5G validation trials, both from technical and business perspectives. The main 5G service requirements, KPIs and 5G network capabilities to support a fully connected and mobile society have been identified. A thorough analysis of the requirements for the 5G-VICTORI overall platform has been provided, which focuses on the following set of services : Enhanced Mobile Broadband under High-Speed Mobility, Digital Mobility, Critical Services for Railway Systems, Smart Energy Metering, Digitization of Power Plants and CDN Services in Dense, Static and Mobile Environments.

The final facility planning for the individual 5G-VICTORI sites has been provided. This stems from the abovementioned requirements and the initial architecture blueprint for each of the ICT-17 sites. A high-level overview of the extensions and upgrades to the HW and SW components planned for the 5G-VICTORI sites has been presented as well.

The starting point for the technical design of the 5G-VICTORI Operation System (5G-VIOS) has been put forward, which includes a high level design architecture and component description. A preliminary analysis of the processes and the components that support this implementation has been made.

Finally, the project has defined the common methodology and the guidelines to be followed by each facility site for preparing and executing the facility and cross-facilities field trials are presented in this document. All four facilities have very similar testing procedures/workflows that facilitate the interactions between the verticals and the facilities. 5G-VIOS will provide an additional level of orchestration framework on top of the facilities individual orchestrators, which allows either brokering of experimentation procedures to the facilities or even direct orchestration of them. The 5G-VICTORI experimentation methodology goes one step further to the capability of the facilities to utilize service blueprints developed at platform level or even facilitate co-design and co-development of experiments over the interconnected facilities. Regarding the cross facility / cross vertical experimentation, methodology it is assumed that several service blueprints will be developed within each facility and all such services will be exposed to the 5G-VICTORI ecosystem as ready to be scheduled through 5G-VIOS.
The 5G-VICTORI platform aims to transform current closed, purposely developed and dedicated infrastructures into open environments where resources and functions are exposed to the telecom and the vertical industries through common repositories that can be vertical and non vertical specific. These functions can be accessed and shared on demand to be deployed and compose very diverse set of services. This approach can offer efficient service provisioning capabilities in a large variety of ecosystems, exhibiting unprecedentent levels of variability in demand granularity and volume, mobility, density, QoS, QoE, security and safety requirements etc. This will make the 5G-VICTORI platform suitable to support in essence any service offered by telecom operators as well as any vertical industry service through a common infrastructure.