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Molecular Infection Biology Estonia - Research capacity building

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MIBEst (Molecular Infection Biology Estonia - Research capacity building)

Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2020-11-30

Infectious diseases continue to pose major public health challenges and significant economic problems in both developed and developing countries. The infectious diseases caused by bacteria or viruses are manifested by acute symptoms that might require rapid treatment. Importantly, in addition to the acute phase of the disease many infectious agents can persist in the host in a latent asymptomatic state and cause chronic infection.

The great diversity of the infectious agents and the multidisciplinary nature of the infectious biology research necessitate a convergence and collaboration of various disciplines: microbiology, cell biology, animal infection models, immunology etc. Especially important are joint activities for smaller countries like Estonia. The expected outcome of the MIBEst project is establishing an integrated centre of applied research, development and innovation in the field of persistent infections at premises of Institute of Technology (TUIT), University of Tartu.

MIBEst objective is strengthening the research capacity on latent and chronic infection related research in TUIT by linking it with two internationally-leading research institutions: MIMS (Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden) at Umeå University from University of Umea and Basel Biozentrum at University of Basel.
During the first reporting period we have been working towards achieving our main goal - establishing an integrated centre of applied research, development and innovation in the field of persistent infections at premises of Institute of Technology (TUIT), University of Tartu.

Work done and result achieved by consortium during M1-M15 :
• Establishment of Strategy Working Group and Strategic Development Plan as was conceived as foreseen in DoA. Strategy Working Group is led by TUIT associate professor M. Piirsoo. First, strategy was discussed with smaller groups of TUIT researchers and our partners in BASEL and MIMS, who also suggested which people to invite to our Strategy Working Group. Estonian and international members were invited and the first meeting was held in June 2020. As a result, a Strategic Development Plan was submitted under deliverable D1.1.
• Establishment of Biosafety Core Facility that enables to use in Estonia animal infection models (both at BSL2 and BSL3 level), which was previously not possible. Introducing the infection models is one of the aims (objectives) of the MIBEst project and therefore establishing an appropriate facility is very important for maximizing the training impact of the Twinning project.
• Two long-term research visits took place: PhD student Mariliis Hinnu had visit to BASEL and PhD student Tetiana Brodiazhenko to MIMS
• As a direct result of Mariliis Hinnu visit, in January 2020 TUIT and BASEL partners together with researchers from The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology applied for the ERA.Net RUS Plus grant. The major objective of the ERA.Net RUS Plus initiative is to deepen the transnational collaboration between EU member states, EU associate countries and Russia. The topic of the grant is drug discovery for infectious diseases with specific focus on macrolides. In November 2020 the grant was approved for funding and the project will start in April 2021.
• In March 2020 TUIT started a project aiming development of reverse genetics system of SARS-CoV-2 and use of the system to develop marker viruses, replicon and viruses with attenuation (vaccine candidates). The system was completed in July 2020 and made available for MIMS partners in autumn 2020. The work was funded by the company via collaboration partners in Griffith University, Australia. Aside from laboratories in Umea by the end of 2020 the system has been made available for laboratories in France, UK, Germany, Belgium and Singapore.
• TUIT has developed epidemiological COVID-19 infection monitoring based on waste water. TUIT contributes to international development of methods and sharing of the data by tight collaboration with the Joint Research Centre (European Commission). COVID-19 infection monitoring could not be foreseen during writing of the grant. However, this pioneering work allows us to build other infection monitoring projects on already developed platform after the end of COVID pandemic .
• TUIT contributed to frontline research of emerging infectious diseases COVID-19 including studies on development of vaccines and early control measures (infection spread monitoring based on analysis of sewage water) and development of the molecular biology tools.
• Continued work on persistent infectious disease and infection models by getting new knowledge through bioinformatics seminars, participating conferences in Umea and Basel and online meetings. Important source of knowledge transfer to TUIT researchers has been the visit of Mariliis Hinnu. Core Laboratory of Biosafety will allow efficient implementation of acquired knowledge on bacterial mice infection models.
• High‐throughput (HTS) screening to identify hit compounds for development of novel antimicrobial agents was performed by Tetiana Brodiazhenko during her visit to MIMS. Her visit work provided good experience on how to conduct screening against pathogens causing persistent infections. Core Laboratory of Biosafety will allow efficient implementation of acquired knowledge as equipment for HTS, especially in infection models, is in place.
• Both research visits of TUIT PhD students to our partners in MIMS and BASEL contributed to the research of the structure and function of macromolecules and the wiring of regulatory circuits concerning persistent bacterial infections and antimicrobial drug treatment .
• Dissemination and communication strategy was developed (WP5).
• Project website was developed ( and constantly updated with relevant information.
• We had 1 publication that resulted between collaboration of consortium partners in the field of persistent infections (see WP5).
• Science communication training was in focus during the first grant period. Training for PhD students on topic how to communicate their work took place in autumn 2020. All the participants in the training got feedback from journalistic writing expert, and help with getting their popular science articles published in the media.
The project will increase the research capacity in chronic infections and infectious diseases in general. This will facilitate the development of new therapeutics and diagnostics. The competence developed can also advise public bodies in health emergency situations as was illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Soft skills training: science communication course