CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Programme and background reading for first face-to-face training of researchers at risk.
PWE Training IProgramme and materials for first face-to-face training for key stakeholders/employers in the academic and non-academic sectors.
Project brochureBrochure detailing InSPIREurope project.
Policy Rec ReportPolicy Recommendations Report with concrete recommendations on improving support for and integration and success of researchers at risk
Mapping resultsReport from mapping and stakeholder consultation.
PWE Training IIProgramme and materials for second face-to-face training of key stakeholders/employers in the academic and non-academic sectors.
R@R Training III MaterialsMaterials for third facetoface career development training for researchers at risk
R@R Training II MaterialsMaterials for second face-to-face training of researchers at risk.
PWE Training IIIProgramme and materials for third facetoface training of key stakeholdersemployers in the academic and nonacademic sector
Programme and materials for fourth webinar for stakeholders/employers in the academic and non-academic sectors.
Stakeholder forum I MaterialsProgramme and background materials used at Year 1 high-level stakeholder forum, in association with the annual event of the French national PAUSE programme.
PWE Webinar VProgramme and materials for fifth webinar for key stakeholdersemployers in the academic and nonacademic sectors
R@R Webinar I MaterialsProgramme and background materials for first webinar on career development for researchers at risk.
Stakeholder forum II MaterialsProgramme and background materials/documents for Year 2 high-level stakeholder forum hosted by AvH in Berlin.
Project webpagesInSPIREurope project website developed and live
Outreach materials- Greece IIMaterials for Greek and surrounding countries regional outreach workshop available online
Outreach materials -Greece IProgramme and materials for Greek national outreach workshop available online.
Mutual learning activities I MaterialsMaterials for two mutual learning activities to be held in association with the French national PAUSE programme annual event.
PWE Webinar IIProgramme & materials for second webinar for key stakeholders/employers in the academic and non-academic sectors.
Outreach materials – Poland IIProgramme and materials for Poland regional outreach workshop available online.
R@R Webinar II MaterialsProgramme and reading materials for second career development webinar for researchers at risk.
R@R Webinar III MaterialsProgramme and materials for third career development webinar for researchers at risk.
Outreach materials – Poland IProgramme and materials for Poland national outreach workshop available online.
Mutual learning activities II MaterialsMaterials for two mutual learning activities held in association with Year 2 high-level stakeholder event hosted by AvH in Berlin.
Mutual learning activities III MaterialsMaterials for two mutual learning activities to be held in association with highlevel stakeholder forum in either Paris or Berlin
Stakeholder forum III MaterialsProgramme and materials for third highlevel stakeholder forum to be held in either Paris or Berlin
Report on good practices at national-levelReport/guidelines on good practices with a specific focus on national-level support initiatives for researchers at risk.
PWE Webinar IMaterials of first webinar for key stakeholders/employers in teh academic and non-academic sectors.
R@R Webinar V MaterialsMaterials for fifth final career development webinar for researchers at risk
PWE Webinar IIIProgramme and materials for third webinar for stakeholders/employers in the academic and non-academic sectors
R@R Webinar IV MaterialsProgramme and materials for fourth webinar on career development for researchers at risk.
EUA – European University Association
Henriette Stoeber
Michael Gaebel
Alison Morrisroe
Published in:
Inspireurope Project
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