A Developer Community charter that outlines all essential aspects of the Furhat Developer community will be developed. The charter will be refined and improved in tandem with the evolution of the community itself.
Final (public) reportThis deliverable provides a final status report on the results of the project in terms of deliverables, milestones, and the achievement of objectives. Additional reporting components may be included such as access to online demonstrators, dashboard data, customer (strategic commercial pilots) testimonials etc. as applicable for the final reporting occasion. The final report will also include and comply with any final reporting guidelines or requirements provided under the terms of the instrument and/or grant agreement.
Additional debugging & testing functionality will be delivered. This includes improved logging of interaction data, improved analysis, enriched natural language model and dialog flow analysis, interaction replay, automatic detection of issues, as well as additional features derived from developer feedback and developer community initiatives.
Furhat CloudFurhat Cloud will be developed and include Furhat cloud account, robot system activation & provisioning, robot system administration, access to software updates, access to support channels, billing & invoicing information, robot system cloud backup & restore, enterprise device management (e.g. robot fleet management), enterprise user management, robot utilization analytics & skills utilization analytics, including logging & visualization of interaction data.
Furhat skills store (1st version)A First version of the Furhat Skills store will be delivered and an early stage program with the selected members of the Furhat Developer Community will be conducted. The skills store will enable basic developer/publisher accounts, skills upload & hosting, skills review & approval, user account, skills discovery, skills download, free & paid skills support, skills revenue split, developer & publisher analytics, as well as skills analytics.
Mood & personality modelling toolsetFunctionality will be delivered that drives enhanced autonomous behavior with mood & personality modeling, this will allow developers & content creators to focus on the business logic of their skill instead of explicitly programming non-verbal behavior. As a result, developers will be able to configure & change the mood & personality of their Furhat character as users progress through their interactions, increasing its expressiveness.
Skills bootstrapping toolchainTools will be delivered that enable the simplification of development for sophisticated skills by analyzing & learning from sample interactions between humans (in the domain of the application). To create expressive conversational content for a robot, it is necessary to orchestrate speech, eye & head movements, facial gestures & other parameters to communicate complex & believable behaviors. As this is difficult to do via explicit programming, we will implement the necessary tooling to learn from human interaction. A 1st tool will analyze head pose, eye gaze, word choice & other parameters, as well as the dynamics of interactions to construct the basic skeleton of a particular robot’s skill automatically. The developer will then be able to further extend & tune this skill skeleton as needed. A 2nd tool will simplify gesture creation through real-time human face capture and using the captured data directly in our content creation software, where it can be further tuned & then used in skill development. A 3rd tool will speed up & improve the quality of dialog flow definition, based on observations & learnings from sets of real dialogs drawn from the sample domain of the skill.
Visual programming toolsetVisual programming tools will be delivered that simplify development of the most basic skills & interactions, such as presentations, Q&A type & trivia skills. These will enable the quick creation of basic useful social robotics applications with Furhat without the direct use of the Kotlin programming language and its associated toolchain. Additional tooling that enables developers to work on skill content separately from skill logic will also be delivered.
Content creation toolsetAdditional content creation and management tools will be delivered, including speech creation & management tools that improve natural (as opposed to synthetic) speech integration support in skills. In addition, the face modeling toolchain will be extended in order to enable more fluid & automated integration between the different steps in the process, specifically enabling previews of new Furhat faces, speeding up the face creation process & opening it up to 3rd party developers. Finally, a component/package architecture will be designed in order to increase the extent to which logic & content can be shared across different skills, promoting reuse & reducing development time.
An event program will be delivered to ensure that Furhat is well-represented at key scientific, developer, and relevant industry vertical events relevant to the developer community. Note: That this event program deliverable will be in progress from month 6.
Developer Community content program reportA well-performing developer content program will be in place with high-quality content from Furhat, from Furhat Creators, as well as from enabling active developer community members. We will publish technical tips & tricks, new tutorials, sample code, content campaigns around quarterly SDK releases, product launch-related news, updates from conference keynotes & sessions etc. We will put extra focus on developing content on successfully used skills & content. Note: That this content program deliverable will be in progress from month 6.
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