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Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TACK (Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing)

Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2023-08-31

Architectural design projects commonly stem from a collaboration between designers, clients and a variety of experts. In spite of its relevance, the tacit knowledge has not been studied methodically in the field of architecture. Recent developments in the field, including the wide-spread adoption of digital technology in the design process entail a major change in the way in which information is produced and shared. Tacit knowledge is embodied not only in the practices of architects, but also in the tangible artefacts that they design with, from written documents and drawings to models and buildings.
The ITN explored how architectural tacit knowledge holds an essential capacity to manage societal challenges and changing conditions – conflicting programmatic demands from various clients, altering building codes and standards, changing political conditions during the design period, restricted or inflexible methods of financing schemes, etc. The ITN contributed to the development of design knowledge, and clarified the potential of architectural design to address fundamental and urgent questions, including those of sustainable development, the impact of cultural diversity, the benefits and pitfalls of digital design technologies, etc. Apart from ten doctoral dissertations, the ITN has produced an interactive website, publications, exhibitions and public events about the impact of tacit knowledge on architectural practice. It developed online training modules on ‘tacit knowledge’ (downloadable worldwide) which can be used in architectural education.
The ITN was structured in three training axes. The ESRs were initially confronted with the first training axis ‘Approaching Tacit Knowledge’. As tacit knowledge is commonly disseminated in implicit, practical ways, the first training axis addressed the fundamental question of how to approach tacit knowledge through three modules: ‘Horizons’, ‘Frames’ and ‘Vectors’. During these first twelve months, ESRs learned about methods to approach tacit knowledge and place them in a broader historical horizon of research methods and disciplinary discussions.
In the module 'Horizons' ESRs were confronted with the state-of-the-art of methods that have been developed in other disciplines to approach and explicate tacit knowledge. Amongst others methods from the field of literature, cultural studies and social studies were introduced and evaluated, especially for their capacity to be related to the field of architectural practice, criticism and architectural education. The module 'Frames' focused on the methods that are available within the discipline of architecture to investigate tacit knowledge. The field of architecture has a long tradition of analytical methods. Too often, however, have these methods focussed on explicit and theory-based modes of knowledge dissemination. In recent years, there have been several experiments, amongst others informed by insights from the field of actor-network theory, but also within the domain of architecture itself, to develop analytical methods adapted to the tacit dimensions of the discipline. ESRs learned to develop experimental investigative approaches, which they will position in relation to the historical horizon of existing architectural research methods. In the 'Vector' module, ESRs were trained to develop analytical skills to look at these vectors of architectural practice as carriers of tacit knowledge. This module thought ESRs to examine how these vectors have the ability to convey – beyond the obvious discursive messages that they carry – embedded tacit knowledge. ESRs were not only be trained in applying an analytical perspective, but were also encouraged to position their findings in a wider historical frame.

In the second training axis ‘Probing Tacit Knowledge’ ESR were offered the modules ‘Codes’ and ‘Assemblages’. In the module ‘Codes’ at BUW, researchers have focussed on the specific codes and conventions that employ tacit modes of knowledge transmission. They have explored how certain codes, such as those relating to artistic and perceptual dimensions in architecture, seem to be addressed more adequately by tacit ways of knowing. The module focused also on examining the nature and efficacy of these codes, and their conditioning role for architectural cultures and their performance within specific contexts. In the module ‘Assemblages’ ESR explore how architectural communities of tacit knowledge can be defined by peers, but also involve different actors, various disciplines and different forms of knowledge. The module also explored how in the 20th and 21st century, for instance, the architectural design process has been particularly entangled with modern technologies, new media, social movements and economic and environmental challenges.

In the third training axis ‘Situating Tacit Knowledge the last two modules were offered: ‘Values’ and ‘Practices’. In the ‘Values’ module offered by ANT the focus was placed on how communities of Tacit Knowledge share value systems. The module critically scrutinized how, through practice, norms and standards are passed on implicitly, following which approaches, practices and projects are valuated. The module explored how these values affect notions of perception and reception, as mutual relation between societal context and its (implicit) value systems, and the semi-autonomous, symbolic practice of architecture. The last module ‘Practices’ was offered by LUH and explored how tacit knowledge affects ways of doing. Central in this module was the exploration of tacit knowledge encompasses a reflexive dimension, allowing the practitioner to take account of their actions and, at the same time, of the effect of these actions. The module ended with a critical analysis of this reflexive dimension and the strategic roles it may play vis-à-vis other sorts of knowledge about the built environment.

A major outcome is the TACK publishing platform, where results of the network are shared open access until 2027.
At the level of combining dispersed expertise on tacit knowledge, applying it to the field of architecture and the design of the urban environment. As such, TACK utilised the distributed knowledge networks which characterised architecture in order to introduce new research approaches in traditional university-based education and research. At the occasion of the different foundational and intermediate meetings an important exchange of knowledge took place. This combination of expertise also transpired from the TACK Talks, online exchanges between different scientific, cultural and practice partners, as well as from the printed outcome of the first training axis, the so-called Konvolutt that illustrates the juxtaposition of knowledge generated in different centres of expertise.
At the level of the training, which offered new research methods and theoretical perspectives to engage with tacit knowledge. During this first period, the different modules of the ITN started to expand the expertise that generated by these different research centres in order to examined tacit knowledge in architecture systematically and thereby trained a new generation of researchers in the field of architecture. Through collective exchange and investigation first contributions were made to a more comprehensive theoretical and methodological framework for the understanding of tacit knowledge in the field of architecture.
Convolute Folder created by ESRs