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CORDIS - EU research results

Urban Logistics as an on Demand Service


Quality and Risk Management Plan

Report including the Quality Assurance Plan for the project with definition of Quality Control Board QCB and responsibilities assigned respectively encompassing the methodology for risk assessment strategy on project level against which the annual project risk assessments will be performed

Guidelines, methods & policy recommendations to integrate ULaaDS in SUMP and SULP processes

Visual representation of different types of uncertainties faced during urban planning for sustainable urban logistics.

Implementation roadmaps for Satellite cities

Lighthouse Cities will develop short ULaaDS City Profiles for each Lighthouse and Satellite City at the beginning of the project with the support of EUROCITIES so the Satellite Cities can select/confirm which solution(s) they will work on and develop a better understanding of the context, stakeholders, targets, success factors and enabling conditions. EUROCITIES will provide guidance and templates and coordinate the collection of profiles.

Dissemination strategy

Communication and dissemination strategy of the whole project It will also contain planned dissemination and communication activities and key target audiences both private and public tailored communication tools and messages and relevant dissemination channels at EU national and regionallocal level It will also identify key milestones throughout the duration of the project at which outreach activities would be particularly beneficial and it will list possible external networking opportunities and networks to link up with

Benchmarking business/operating models and best practices

Will report best practices on business models upon a detailed benchmarking study on existing schemes that will be expanded with dedicated interviews with relevant external stakeholders and workshops in each local stakeholder fora involving the local ecosystem A selection of existing best practices will be thoroughly elaborated to understand factors for success and failure

Report on local fora meetings

"""Report on the identified local stakeholders and their role in urban freight logistics (per light house city). Description of the tailored guidelines used in the workshops to establish the co-creation dialogue and to define the requirements and operational steps related to the specific on-demand solutions. Report on the results of the collective target system."""

Provisional Trend report based on Disaggregative Policy Delphi

An overview of trends that are pivotal to the UFT sector as identified by stakeholders via a questionnaire Disaggregative Policy Delphi The overview will include economic social and technological trends that are expected by different UFT stakeholders each focusing on their own operatinglegislative context

Impacts on logistics and traffic efficiency, land use and the environment

Deliver an assessment which identify areas of impact and assess short, medium- and long-term impacts and benefits from UlaaDs solutions and trials. Focus will be on low-emission and connected delivery concepts and its impacts and requirements on logistics systems and the overall transport system. Data collected from UlaaDs trials and Lighthouse cities will be analysed, involving KPI calculation. Based on identified problems in the trial cities a logistics sustainable index will be developed and include elements as application of innovative technologies of ICT and ITS, change in mindsets of logistics managers and development of public private partnerships.

Insights from training workshops organised

This deliverable is meant to describe the activies carried out within WP7 concerning the two dedicated trainings that EUR will organise for its member cities, with input and contributions from expert partners, Lighthouse and Satellite cities. Training materials will be made available via the ULaaDS website.

Local ecosystem stakeholders' needs and requirements & prioritisation of use cases - first version

First report on the established multi stakeholder dialogue in lighthouse cities describing identified local relevant stakeholders cityspecific and general ondemand needs established during the cocreating dialog defined requirements and operational steps related to specific ondemand solutions Description of established collective target system serving that enabled development extension and refinement of the first version of use cases

Local ecosystem stakeholders' needs and requirements & prioritisation of use cases - final version

Final report on changes of parameters defined within Deliverable 2.2. within the eco system of the three lighthouse cities among after successful trialling of ULaaDs soltions. Establishment of final recommendations regarding the requirments and operationel stelps related to on-demand solutions.

Training materials for the workshops

Training materials will be based on tools, reports and deliverables developed in various ULaaDs workpackages, including for example best practice fact sheets, catalogues of rules & fines, business and operating models, future scenario development, guidelines, methodologies and policy recommendations for integration of SUMPS/SULPs, decision support toolbox and system architecture.

A novel framework on strategic decision making for SUMPs or SULPs for adaptive urban logistics systems.

A report proposing and discussing a framework on how to deal with the types of uncertainties identified/presented in D6.2 in developing an adaptive urban logistics system.

Typology of uncertainties in policy making and urban planning for sustainable urban logistics

Impact assessment of ondemand logistics against SUMP and SULP goals and objectives revising and updating existing methodologies and guidelines

Replication booklet

The replication booklet is a manual (digital and printed) that will describe replication methodologies applied by the project and provide an overview of the different technologies, strategies and business models that have been trialled by the Lighthouse cities and – incorporating the experiences and lessons learned from replication activities in WP5 - offer technical and strategic guidelines on how to successfully transfer these solutions to other cities (including the value cases of Satellite cities). The content of this manual will be developed in close collaboration with the technical (WP3) and demonstration (WP4) work packages and WP6 on SUMPs/SULPs assessment.

Ethical guidelines & documentation of RRI processes

Define the ethics and GDPR related processes and their monitoring and compliance mechanisms in the course of the project Templates of the informed consentassent forms and information sheets in language and terms intelligible to the participants Data protection policy of the project

Best practices for implementation and application guidelines for Industry, Operators and Cities

Description of best practices and application guidelines/instruction manuals for key stakeholders on the basis of trials' results.

ULaaDS: factsheets baseline and city profiles

Deliver an assessment which identify areas of impact and assess short medium and longterm impacts and benefits from UlaaDs solutions and trials Focus will be on lowemission and connected delivery concepts and its impacts and requirements on logistics systems and the overall transport system Data collected from UlaaDs trials and Lighthouse cities will be analysed involving KPI calculation Based on identified problems in the trial cities a logistics sustainable index will be developed and include elements as application of innovative technologies of ICT and ITS change in mindsets of logistics managers and development of public private partnerships

Observatory of strategic developments on urban logistics - final report

Compilation of individual reports that will be periodically produced throughout the project and bundled in M36. Those will capture the development of multiple specific trends in society, business and technology, combined with the analysis of the behaviours and structures of the urban freight transport system, in order to provide strategic input for the project on how to elicit change from a holistic perspective. Reports will provide recommendations on multiple intervention strategies as well as explore alternative urban freight systems, that are “fed” back into the project. This way activities can be adapted to ensure that project outcomes are relevant. Methods will include desk research, expert insights and opinion, and stakeholders workshops.

Novel business/operating models and mapping to research trial sites

Primary identification of business models novel or existing on the basis of T31 outcomes that will be applied in ULaaDS including the definition of potential new business roles The selected business operating models will be instantiated for application and demonstration in ULaaDS research trials in the Lighthouse cities

Economic impacts, user experience acceptance and awareness

Viability study of ULaaDS solutions (utilising project results) from business and economic point of view utilising validation of WP3 business models through TCO, CBA and CEA methodologies. Impact assessment on logistics stakeholders and end-ueser experience, acceptance and WtP assessment on the basis of trial results using baseline data and recognising the learnin curve and eventual behaviour adaptations ocurring. Recommendations with regard to EU vision and strategy for adapting its urban logistics ecosystem value chain in order to effectively respond to the impacts of sustainable and on-demand requirements.

ULaaDS: technology solutions, concepts and tools (includes modular system architecture, final version)

Final system architecture towards corrective re-application (if needed) in ULaaDS research trials. Corrective revision of supply chain coordination, communication, data exchange interfaces, and interoperability mechanisms and specifications

Take-aways for adaptive policy making in the context of UTF

A policy brief with practical take aways for policy makers for developing an adaptive urban logistics system.

Summary of practical research trials

Final report on research trials held in Lihgthouse cities. The 3 research trials' leads share a public version/summary of the outputs of their demonstration activities.

Final validated business/operating models

Final outcomes from the validation of the applied business & operating models in ULaaDS research trials against the KPIs defined

Framework, methodology and KRI identification

Deliver a framework and methodology to be used for impact calculations and comparability among the trials Identify potential impacts on logistics and traffic from ondemand services to be tested in the UlaaDs research trials Identify primary Key Performance Indicators KPIs including definitions and assessment of data availability and data collection methodology Selection of impact area and indicators per area

Policy paper on future on-demand urban logistics

Dedicated policy paper to facilitate the awareness and alignment of the project outcomes for European cities and policy makers. Barriers and how to overcome them will be included in the policy paper. Therefore, the EU vision on innovative digital urban on-demand shared and low-emission logistics will be enhanced and supported.

Collection of newsletters and dissemination activities

Report on the Collection of newsletters and dissemination activities performed

Future scenarios based on Disaggregative Policy Delphi

An overview of scenarios and an assessment of their likeliness to occur based on questioning relevant UFT stakeholders Disaggregative Policy Delphi on their ambitions stakes and constraints in the light of the trends presented in D23

Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan detailing what data the project will generate whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and reuse and how it will be curated preserved following the FAIR principles defining their waymeans of collection against enhanced GDPR compliant templates and identifying the open access layer

ULaaDS decision support toolbox; final

Final version of the decision support toolbox for cities, authorities and service providers, incorporating best practices and experiences collected from the trial sites

ULaaDS decision support toolbox; v1

First version of the decision toolbox with implementation of data from the project, start of iterative change process based on feedback of partners

Replication strategy and training

The replication strategy sets the framework for all activities carried out within the project that aim to support the exchange between cities (Lighthouse, Satellite and Follower Cities) and to prepare for the transfer and adoption of measures and strategies developed by the partner cities. Apart from the replication activities and timeline, it also describes the objectives, processes, methodologies, and expected outputs, and clearly distinguishes the roles and responsibilities for each of the project partners and cities involved.

Website, project identity

Dissemination material of the project starting from the visual identity logo web site and templates to the core material to be produced and used leaflet poster etc as well as the social media communication strategies and tools


A greener last mile: Analyzing the carbon emission impact of pickup points in last-mile parcel delivery

Author(s): Niemeijer, R., & Buijs, P.
Published in: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Issue 186, 2023, ISSN 1364-0321
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2023.113630

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