Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SunCoChem (Photoelectrocatalytic device for SUN-driven CO2 conversion into green CHEMicals)
Période du rapport: 2021-11-01 au 2023-04-30
standalone system having low operative costs (driven by renewable energy) for wastes valorisation.
Coupling of CO2 reduction and CO carbonylation to oxo-products: Carbonylation reaction to the three target products using syngas under the conditions used in the electro-CO2RR process evaluated by EUT. Many efforts focused on matching the best operative conditions and solvents to be used for performing the CO2-to-CO and CO-carbonylation reactions in the same electrolyte media.
Photoelectrodes (PE) scale-up: The x10 scale-up of BiVO4 photocatalyst for the anode was successfully optimized by LAU. A preparation route from Sulphur doped LAU BiVO4 powder – SOL paste – HZB electrode deposition was established. An automated screen-printing method was developed and optimized. A scalable deposition technique of the material onto electrodes needs to be optimized.
Concerning the photoanode, it was demonstrated the feasibility of the deposition of the prepared of Cu2O/SnO2-Ru-Re catalyst in powder on electrodes of 10 cm2 with an automized spry coating technique that can be easily scaled up to the final size of 10 x 10 cm2. A novel and scalable electrodeposition path (B) for anchoring the Ru and Re complexes into the semiconductor heterojunction was also developed and tested for different catalytic systems: Cu2O-SnO2 and CuGaO2.
The synthesis of Cu2O/SnO2 for cathode photoelectrode was successfully optimized at x10 and x25 scale–ups.
Membrane - electrode – Assembly (MEA): CNRS prepared the 1st generation TBM (TBM-1) by casting method. The optimization of the TBM revealed that a thicker TBM (TBM-3) with of 90 µm and AEL of 15 µm meets the KPIs of the SunCoChem project combined with higher mechanical and dimensional stability. As a result, TBM-3 type membranes have been selected as 2nd generation membranes for further optimization within the project. The low loss of transparency with Al(OH)3 nanoparticles brought CNRS to the selection of this catalyst for further development of the fully optimised 3rd generation membrane to be further upscaled in WP4.
Optimisation of CO2 capture and concentration: A set of different standards and custom-made ionic liquids was prepared by IOL. The best results were obtained with porous polysulfone membrane soaked with [BMIM][Acetate] in terms of CO2 solubility while the fastest diffusion rate was found using [BMIM][BF4]. For the direct CO2 capture, solubilities of 0,95% were achieved with 20% solutions of chemical IL sorbents.
TPER development: A preliminary design of a single TPER reactor was shared with the partners. It is a 4 chambers cell that consists of an anodic, cathodic, absorption and gas chambers. The full cell to be tested constituted by 4 single-cells will be designed and manufactured to the entire testing of the SunCoChem prototype.
Expected results: 1) Single TPER units and their enabling materials 2) The integration of TPER units and evaluation of potential impact vs. fossil-fuel based routes, 3) demonstration of technical and economic feasibility, 4) Evalutation of GHG emissions regarding commercial manufacturing by LCA, 5) Assessment of increase of industrial competitiveness of flavours, fragrances and chemicals industry and 6) Estimation of environmental and social benefits.
Main technological Impacts: (1) Increased efficiency of the system with sunlight to chemical energy conversion efficiency (to chemicals other than H2) higher than 5%, (2) Improved stability/robustness of the system under extended operational conditions, with loss of performance <5% in 1000h, (3) Cost Reduction/Effectiveness of the system, including recycling if relevant and continuous product recovery, with cost of production of chemicals comparable to actual route from fossil fuels along with an improved energy efficiency and <50% CO2 emissions. The development of SunCoChem’s TPER and derived technologies will provide benefits in terms of wider social and economic impacts, especially in the following aspects: (1) Increase industrial competitiveness of EU enterprises, (2) Improve local economy by promoting circular economy, (3) Establish long-term collaborations and integration between industrial and academic institutes.