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Multi-actor and transdisciplinary development of efficient and resilient MIXED farming and agroforestry-systems

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MIXED (Multi-actor and transdisciplinary development of efficient and resilient MIXED farming and agroforestry-systems)

Reporting period: 2022-04-01 to 2023-09-30

MIXED is a multi-actor project to drive the development of European Mixed Farming and Agroforestry Systems (MiFAS) that optimize efficiency and resource use, reduce GHG emissions, and show greater resilience to climate change by considering agronomic, technical, environmental, economic and social advantages and constraints. The project is based on a participatory and transdisciplinary process, to develop, improve and implement efficient and resilient MiFAS in collaboration between organic and conventional networks of farmers, advisors, researchers and other stakeholders. Assessment of potential impacts on environment and mitigation and adaptation to climate change are made at the farm, landscape and value chain level. The development of new and improved MiFAS include combined effects on crop and livestock production, livestock health and welfare, soil structure and fertility.
Methods for landscape resilience assessments is developed and life cycle assessment methodologies are adapted to selected value chains and MiFAS including modelling of carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Indicators (economic factors, nutrients, GHG, etc.) and socio-economic factors important for farmers’ decision-making for transition to or improving efficiency and resilience of MiFAS are integrated in farm-level decision support tools. Assessment of trade-offs and synergies between efficiency and resilience of MiFAS at multiple levels inform discussions between policy makers and the agricultural sector for the support of strategies for larger-scale implementation of MiFAS. The project facilitate dialogue and dissemination of MiFAS to farmers as well as to decision makers at regional and EU level to ensure the highest levels of implementation of MiFAS at farm and landscape scale for efficient and resilient production and performance in terms of climate change and eco-systems services.
The transdisciplinary organisation and multi-actor approach of MIXED have ensured the implementation of a genuine co-design process, and this has been evidenced through the successful completion of the third round of Field and Reflection Workshops. Farmer network needs are embedded in the process ensuring relevance and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
The ongoing interactions between researchers and practitioners ensures a constant focus on developing solutions and overcoming constraints as they arise, while the geographic distribution of the networks have allowed discussion about future climatic challenges as different networks experience changing conditions.
Via a combined qualitative and quantitative analysis, the ecosystem services by MiFAS are assessed at the farm level, and field-testing strategies provide real world examples of how MiFAS can contribute to mitigation and adaptation, where strategies tested in the field will provide examples of the impact of MiFAS on the delivery of ecosystem services.
The top-down and bottom-up approaches allows to assess the ecosystem service provisions of different types of agricultural landscapes and MIXED systems, based on the comprehensive review of European projects and literature reviewed. The top-down analyses suggest there is only a limited correlation between mixed agricultural landscapes and an overall high provision of ecosystem services, but potentials for development to be investigated further.
Working at the farm decision level, we assess, model and enable improved ecosystem services, via MiFAS adoption on individual farms and between farms, to address expected advantages, expected to include more closed nutrient cycles that avoid the excessive import and polluting effects of the loss of nutrients and a more diverse environment, better able to meet the habitat needs of the natural world.
Furthermore, MIXED assess current and future MiFAS systems in comparison with more specialised systems, through a mixture of real world, statistical and modelled data, enabling an assessment of the relative environmental impacts, and identifying successful mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Finally, scientific papers and deliverables have been published, and documented benefits of MiFAS with regard to efficiency, resilience and climate change mitigation potentials have been produced for different media and audiences, and MIXED has collaborated with the parallel AGROMIX and STARGATE EU H2020 projects to achieve the highest levels of outreach and implementation.
The impacts of the MIXED project include the delivery of effective solutions for ensuring the highest level of implementation on the farm and landscape scale regarding climate-smart and resilient systems and provide decision support systems adapted to mixed farming and agroforestry systems in the heterogeneous landscapes across Europe. The aim is thereby to support the adoption of MiFAS that are financially and socially attractive to farmers and at the same time climate smart and resilient.
Moreover, the aim is to unlock and improve viability and replicability of efficient and resilient farming systems and propose different transition scenarios leading to the development of modern land use systems, value chains and infrastructures. Here, MIXED will focus on the development of MiFAS solutions and transition strategies, take account of the pedoclimatic and socio-economic differences between territories to improve MiFAS, and involve multiscale assessments of efficient and resilient mixed farming systems via the integration of results from the farm, landscape, value chain, regional and EU perspective.
To reduce the environmental impact of farming and contribute towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change, on-farm and landscape level studies focused on nutrient recycling and soil management will provide guidance for the quantification of the potential of the MiFAS through modelling and inclusion of the information in farm level and policy level decision support.
In conclusion, MIXED support the development of ecosystem services through integrated and small-scale land management, where a widespread adoption of MiFAS, will bring increased diversity on farms and in landscapes, anchoring there relevance and potentials of MIXED systems in existing European farming and research networks.
Photo from MIXED project meeting, April 2022
Photo from MIXED project meeting in Portugal, January 2023
MIXED logo
Photo from MIXED project meeting in Toulouse, September 2023
Photo from MIXED field trip in Toulouse, September 2023