CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Joint selection list of the projcets to be funded including each project's data on each participant and abstracts of the project proposal, in a format specified by the Agency, for publication and evaluation purposes.
"Networking and Dissemination event #1"An initial grant holders’ meeting, where all Funded projects will be represented by the Project Coordinators and other interested Funding Parties.
Call textThe “Call text” deliverable will announce the joint co-funded call, give background information on ICRAD and include information on the scientific scope of the call, the participating funding organisations, and the expected projects. The call text will also provide information on how funding is carried out (“nationality principle” – each participating national or regional funding agency funds its respective national/regional research partners in a particular project consortium), financial modalities (available funding etc.), eligibility criteria, evaluation criteria and procedure, application and evaluation timeline, ranking rules and mechanism of the funding decision, confidentiality & conflict of Interest, and information about reporting requirements and other obligations for funded consortia.
A Website will be developed, and will, along side with other communication tools, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, will be used for dissemination purposes.
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