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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

BASAJAUN - Building A SustainAble Joint between rurAl and UrbaN Areas Through Circular And Innovative Wood Construction Value Chains

Description du projet

Une nouvelle manière d’optimiser les ressources forestières ligneuses

L’UE compte plus de 180 millions d’hectares de forêts couvrant 43 % de la superficie de son territoire, ce qui fait du bois un produit forestier important et très durable, notamment pour les communautés rurales. Le projet BASAJAUN, financé par l’UE, réunira des entreprises de transformation du bois, des organismes de recherche, des associations et des organismes publics pour maximiser la valeur des forêts grâce à son utilisation dans la production de bois. Les parties prenantes des zones urbaines seront également intégrées via une plateforme thématique. Dans l’ensemble, le projet se concentrera sur l’utilisation optimale des ressources forestières ligneuses pour la construction d’un immeuble résidentiel à quatre étages. Le projet entreprendra également la numérisation de la chaîne de valeur de la construction, de la forêt aux immeubles.


European rural areas will boost when their natural resources constitute the basis of innovative and sustainable value chains with a high positive economic impact. In this sense, forests constitute an asset that provide not only ecosystems and biodiversity, but also a valuable and sustainable raw material, “wood”. Wood is consumed by various sectors, including one of the most “raw materials” demanding sector, the construction. The BASAJAUN project is a puzzle composed of 1st and 2nd transformation companies, research organizations, associations and public bodies that are focused on maximizing the forest value through its use in wood construction. Its main goal is to optimize the wood forest resources to enable the construction of a medium sized building (16 dwellings with 4 floors) with the lowest possible forest hectares – that will depend on the tree species and the forest local peculiarities (climate, surface, ...). The whole process will be optimised to maximize the consumption of wood products from the forest (solid wood, fibers, veneers, bark, sawdust, etc.).

For this purpose, a) innovative wood-based construction materials (thermal insulation, composites, varnishes, SIPs) and systems (structure, facades, floors, walls, roof and fixings) will be developed and upscaled, b) one full-scale demo building (France) will be constructed and one experimental building (Spain) that use all developed products, c) digitalization of the whole construction value chain (from forest to building) will be done and d) the rural development impact will be studied at regional level. The environmental impact of the products of these value chains will be assessed as well. Besides, to assure a sustainable impact of the project a novel thematic platform to integrate the stakeholders of the wood region with urban areas will be developed.

Besides, BASAJAUN leverages the previous results of successful projects where the innovative materials and systems were designed at laboratory and semi-industrial scale.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 037 750,51

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 037 750,51

Participants (34)