Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ATELIER (AmsTErdam BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities)
Reporting period: 2022-05-01 to 2023-07-31
Via dedicated PED Innovation Ateliers, ATELIER will strengthen the local innovation ecosystem and thus remove legal, financial or social barriers to the implementation of smart solutions. The PED Innovation Ateliers will be self-sustaining, continuing for a long time after the project has ended. They will thus become engines for the upscaling and replication of solutions within the ATELIER cities and beyond. To achieve successful implementations of energy saving measures, ATELIER puts citizens at the centre of all its activities: residents, local initiatives and energy communities will be included in decision-making processes and activities and will be strongly engaged in the development of the technical solutions throughout the project. Citizens will be deeply involved in the PED Innovation Ateliers as well to create a maximum impact for the PEDs. To really pave the way for more ‘positive’ cities in Europe, each of the cities will develop a City Vision 2050 that constitutes the roadmap for upscaling solutions in the long term.
In Amsterdam and Bilbao smart urban solutions will be deployed to create the Positive Energy Districts:
In Amsterdam, approvals of the environmental permits of buildings in Buiksloterham are achieved for the 2 envisioned building blocks. Smart grid developments progress at a steady pace. Energy Management System developments build on the experiences at the Schoonschip floating neighbourhood and this is well connected to ATELIER through participation in the innovation Ateliers and provision of experience. For e-mobility, a preliminary study has been conducted on the global strategies for smart charging. The Buiksloterham e-hub has been operational during P1 and a first interim evaluation took place.
In Bilbao, the actual design of the various demo-sites is, due to COVID-impact, at present re-assessed in variations regarding the initial approach. A redesign in Zorrotzaurre is made. The urbanisation of the North area has started, including district heating, in the Center area, Digipen and Mondragon University are settled in Beta 1 and Beta 2 buildings. The initial approach of the envisioned geothermal network validated the implementation of four geothermal rings, but it is being redefined due to a substantial reduction of built square meters in the North demo area. Work started on the analysis of the implementation of smart metering devices and monitoring of electrical consumption of buildings.
A planning process and a number of tools are being deployed to enable partners cities to produce their own City Vision 2050 which will guide the urban energy transition and aiming to integrate it into their planning procedures for a more effective implementation - a work flow structured according to Cities4ZERO methodology. The planning framework of the 8 ATELIER cities was set: a complete analysis of city background, interests, expectations, plans affecting the city compilation and analysis followed by a deep analysis of the city governance model resulting in proposals of the Smart City Planning Group (SCPG) with the city representatives that will guide the city vision creation.
In both Lighthouse cities, a selection of local partners, representing the local eco-system, have discussed, designed and started-up the dedicated PED Innovation Atelier (IAs) in order to support the tailoring and implementation of smart urban solutions and interventions in the demonstration projects. Both PED IA have organised a number of workshops with ATELIER partners and external stakeholders, for facilitating the process of tailoring innovative solutions, harvesting knowledge and experience from other cities and projects.
Social analyses with regards to citizen engagement have been performed for both Lighthouse Cities. Next to that, initial contact with various local stakeholders has been established (social enterprises, community intermediaries and institutional stakeholders).
In order to monitor and evaluate the progress of the PED inventions, a corresponding framework has been set up and discussed. This framework, including key performance indicators spanning across six domains including energy, environmental, economic, social, mobility and replication KPIs has been documented. The first Monitoring & Evaluation framework, background data, methodologies and the corresponding IT infrastructure are being developed to allow to monitor and assess the project achievements. The work on the impact assessment has been started also covering both direct impacts but also a holistic life cycle perspective.
The Dissemination & Communication Plan has been successfully delivered and updated, with corresponding materials to communicate ATELIER. The Exploitation Plan is delivered and explains how the different tasks related to the exploitation will be led and structured. Following this plan, several activities were initiated with the presentation of two IPR webinars and an exploitation workshops for the collection of Background, Project Results and Exploitable Results.
ATELIER partners are participating in existing and emerging collaborative platforms on smart cities and PEDs, including the Smart City and Communities Lighthouse Project Group and Smart City Marketplace and other relevant PED-related (research) platforms. We have exchanged information and collaborated with other SCC projects. We have actively disseminated (interim) project results and participated in events organized by SCC networks or others.
1. Meeting EU climate mitigation and adaptation goals and national and/or local energy, air quality and climate targets, as relevant
2. Significantly increased share of renewable energies, waste heat recovery and appropriate storage solutions (incl. batteries) and their integration into the energy system, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
3. Lead the way towards wide scale roll out of PEDs
4. Significantly improved energy efficiency, district level optimized self-consumption, reduced curtailment
5. Increased uptake of e-mobility solutions
6. Improved air quality
7. The higher the replicability of the solutions across Europe, the better
8. Active citizen engagement to support uptake of smart urban solutions, create energy awareness and energy efficient behaviour
9. Increased local investment capacity and new jobs through the implementation of PED in cities. Active citizen engagement to support uptake of smart urban solutions, create energy awareness and energy efficient behaviour
10. New market opportunities for energy flexibility services increased local investment capacity and new jobs through the implementation of PED in cities. Active citizen engagement to support uptake of smart urban solutions, create energy awareness and energy efficient behaviour
11. New business models
12. Align with new and emerging policies and legal instrumentation