Periodic Reporting for period 3 - STELLAR (Development of SmarT Eco-friendly anticontamination technologies for LAminaR wings)
Reporting period: 2022-10-01 to 2023-10-31
The knowledge acquired and the solutions developed are evaluated through large scale tests : tests in wind tunnel to simulate extreme conditions occurring during flights, short flight tests with SONAIR S200 equipped with cameras and sensors. These tests mainly revealed the easy-to-clean properties of the coating and allow the selection of a promising candidate that will be applied on the slat of a commercial aircraft operating for 6 months at higher altitudes allowing a full validation of the newly developed solution.
2. Formulation of smart eco-friendly anticontamination coatings
The coatings are based on several chemistries and include slippery effect and self-healing properties. The formulations were optimized and their durability evaluated. This led to the selection of 3 candidates which were tested following a set of aeronautic requirements (impact and erosion resistance, UV, etc). Several communications (conferences, general publications) were carried out these developments.
3. Development of eco-friendly cleaning solution
SOPURA developed solvent and enzyme-based formulas providing very good detergency effect. The application process was evaluated at laboratory scale and the best solution was tested in real conditions on the test aicraft of SONAIR. Life cycle assessment was carried out on the developed solution and allows to reveal hot spots which might be used for further optimization.
4. Development of a test device for wind tunnel and short flight tests
Fuel tank of the S200 Sonaca Aircraft, selected to be used for testing the 3 coatings, equipped with sensors and cameras by LMSM. The test device was evaluted in wind tunnel, than revised and adapted to satisfy secure flight tests with S200 aircraft.
5. Wind tunnel and short flight tests on selected coatings
The 3 selected coatings were tested in wind tunnel (combined or not with water injection to evaluate self-cleaning under rain) and further tested on the S200 aircraft. Many communication (general press, etc) were carried out during the short flight test campaign.
6. Application of the final selected coating on a slat of a commercial A319/320 aircraft operating for 6 months : the coating was successfully applied on a real slat at SONACA and then installed on the aircraft. Easy to clean properties were verified and maintained during the flying period (with no modification of coating aspect).
A full day workshop has been organized at the end of the project at VKI allowing to present an oveview of the main results obtained in STELLAR and some related projects. Exploitation opportunities are evaluated for the coatings developed, the cleaning solution (for aeronautics sector but also other sectors where similar properties are requested), the testing material and protocols. Collaboration with airlines and aircraft manufacturer for coating evaluation has also been identified as an opportunity for the future.
- Formulation of coatings which have direct impact on insect coagulation kinetics which is an unexpected results never reported in the literature
- Formulation of self-healing polyurethane coating : replacement of a fraction of the binder by self-repairable (under RH trigger) was done with success and provide coatings with promising properties.
- Formulation of innovative cleaning solutions showing synergistic effect with anticontamination coating leading to 100% removal of highly sticky insect debris.
- Design of a test device that can be used in wind tunnel and for short flight test
- Test protocols in wind tunnel to evaluate anticontamination and self-cleaning properties of coatings.
- Demonstration of the coating transferability to real conditions: application of the coating on a slat, installation of the slat on a commercial aircraft, flight operations during 4-6 months with demonstration of easy-to-clean properties.
STELLAR project results will impact all the industrial value-chain. The European value chain of part manufacturers involved in NLF – HLFC can benefit of the results of the project. Sonaca as main manufacturer of slats, flaps and spoilers worldwide will be in pole position to exploit the results of those technologies and transfer it to OEMs. The technology, knowledge and testing protocols can be adapted to a larger field of application which will improve European competitiveness and contribute to the overall environmental impact. New coating and cleaning formulations will be available that meet aviation requirements and provide an anti-contamination effect for leading edge applications. This type of coating may have a wider scope of application (including trains, automotive, wind turbine) and the knowledge acquired will be useful in understanding and minimizing contamination in general.