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Hybrid ElectriC smAll commuteR aiRcraft conceptUal deSign

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Data management plan

This deliverable will include the planning for the various actions of the project, overall project risk assessment and mitigation actions. Also, the guidelines for internal and external project research data treatment will be included

Dissemination, communication and exploitation plan

This deliverable will also include the description of the developed website and project leaflet and logo

Sizing, layout and performance of critical technologies

Technical report on sizing and layout of the selected hybridelectric architectures integrated with current and future term performance levels

State-of-the-art technologies on research and developments underway in the field of alternative propulsion architectures

Exhaustive report on the technologies that may be used in the electrification of the small commuter aircraft

Preliminary structural modelling of a hybrid commuter aircraft

An exhaustive report on the preliminary structural modelling performed within this task will be provided

Numerical investigation on the aerodynamic design of a hybrid commuter aircraft

An exhaustive report on the numerical CFD simulations performed within this task will be provided

Techno-economic and environmental risk assessment

This deliverable will include a risk assessment and a detailed technoeconomic analysis to verify and optimize the economic viability of the proposed powertrain architectures

Life cycle analysis

The baseline case will be agreed with the CS2 stakeholders and the external advisory board that will be formed to ensure the projects successful implementation

Assessment of hybrid electric architectures for a small commuter aircraft

Macroscopic definition of all feasible architectures for the studied aircraft.

Final report on the design of a conceptual hybrid commuter aircraft

This deliverable will describe the baseline case capture the aircraft design requirements and report on the conceptual design of the green AC

Report on numerical methods and tools developed for modelling and simulating advanced GT engines

Advanced GT design and 1D simulations. Studying of techniques for analysing model robustness and sensitivity analysis.


The impact of propulsive architecture on the design of a 19-passenger hybrid-electric aircraft

Author(s): Christos P. Nasoulis, Georgios Protopapadakis, Vasilis G. Gkoutzamanis and Anestis I. Kalfas
Published in: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Issue 1, 2022, Page(s) 012074, ISSN 1757-899X
Publisher: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/1226/1/012074

Thermal Management System Considerations for a Hybrid-Electric Commuter Aircraft

Author(s): Vasilis G. Gkoutzamanis , Spyros E. Tsentis , Orestis S. Valsamis Mylonas, Anestis I. Kalfas , Konstantinos G. Kyprianidis, Panagiotis Tsirikoglou and Michael Sielemann
Published in: Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Issue Quarterly, 2022, ISSN 1533-6808
Publisher: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc.
DOI: 10.2514/1.t6433

A Review of Concepts, Benefits, and Challenges for Future Electrical Propulsion-Based Aircraft

Author(s): Smruti Sahoo, Xin Zhao, Konstantinos Kyprianidis
Published in: Aerospace, Issue 7/4, 2020, Page(s) 44, ISSN 2226-4310
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/aerospace7040044

Multidisciplinary conceptual design for a hybrid-electric commuter aircraft

Author(s): Nasoulis C., Gkoutzamanis V., Kalfas A.
Published in: The Aeronautical Journal, 2022, Page(s) 1-23, ISSN 2059-6464
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/aer.2022.32

Enabling the potential of hybrid electric propulsion through lean-burn-combustion turbofans

Author(s): Stavros Vouros, Mavroudis Kavvalos, Smruti Sahoo, Konstantinos Kyprianidis
Published in: Journal of Global Power and Propulsion Society, Issue 5, 2021, Page(s) 164-176, ISSN 2515-3080
Publisher: Global Power and Propulsion Society
DOI: 10.33737/jgpps/140592

Structural optimization of the wing box for a hybrid-electric commuter aircraft

Author(s): Nasoulis C., Tsirikoglou P., Kalfas A.
Published in: J. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc., Issue 6, 2022, Page(s) 151-164, ISSN 2515-3080
Publisher: Global Power and Propulsion Society
DOI: 10.33737/jgpps/151116

Recent Advances in Boundary Layer Ingestion Technology of Evolving Powertrain Systems

Author(s): Dimitra Eirini Diamantidou, Md Lokman Hosain and Konstantinos G. Kyprianidis
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 14(3), 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su14031731

Power flow optimization for a hybrid-electric propulsion system

Author(s): Papadopoulos K., Nasoulis C., Ntouvelos E., Gkoutzamanis V., Kalfas A.
Published in: J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 2022, Page(s) 111013, ISSN 1528-8919
Publisher: ASME
DOI: 10.1115/1.4055478

Noise of future aircraft propulsion: sources and design considerations

Author(s): Protopapadakis G., Gkoutzamanis V., Vouros S., Kyprianidis K., Kalfas A.
Published in: Proceedings of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, Xi'an21, China, 2022
Publisher: Global Power and Propulsion Society

Enabling the Potential of Hybrid Electric Propulsion Through Lean-Burn-Combustion Turbofans

Author(s): Stavros Vouros, Mavroudis Kavvalos, Smruti Sahoo, Konstantinos Kyprianidis
Published in: Proceedings of Global Power & Propulsion Society, 2020
Publisher: GPPS
DOI: 10.33737/gpps20-tc-86

Conceptual Design and Energy Storage Positioning Aspects for a Hybrid-Electric Light Aircraft

Author(s): Vasilis G. Gkoutzamanis, Arjun Srinivas, Doukaini Mavroudi, Anestis I. Kalfas, Mavroudis D. Kavvalos, Konstantinos G. Kyprianidis, George Korbetis
Published in: Volume 5: Controls, Diagnostics, and Instrumentation; Cycle Innovations; Cycle Innovations: Energy Storage, 2020, ISBN 978-0-7918-8414-0
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
DOI: 10.1115/gt2020-15477

Operating and Environmental Cost Considerations Comparison for Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Architecture Variants

Author(s): Nasoulis C., Protopapadakis G., Ntouvelos E., Gkoutzamanis V., Kalfas A.
Published in: IOP Conference Series, 2023
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd

HECARRUS – Hybrid ElectriC small commuter aircraft conceptual design

Author(s): Gkoutzamanis V., Nasoulis C., Protopapadakis G., Kalfas A., Kavvalos M., Diamantidou D-E., Sahoo S., Kyprianidis K., Tsirikoglou P., and Chokani N.,
Published in: Book of Abstracts - 10th EASN Conference, 2020
Publisher: EASN

Energy integration in hybrid power and propulsion systems: A multi-fidelity approach

Author(s): Vasilis G. Gkoutzamanis
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
DOI: 10.12681/eadd/50444

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