Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ROCS (Moving Towards Sustainable Mining With ROCS Real-Time Ore Composition Monitoring)
Reporting period: 2019-05-01 to 2019-08-31
Benefits of the innovation
• Ore grade is known up-front to avoid drilling where waste material content is too high.
• Allows for cost savings, extends machinery lifetime and lowers fuel/lubricant cost.
• Leads to energy savings as drilling, crushing and processing waste requires energy.
• Environmental damage lower as non-profitable operations can be abandoned earlier.
The overall project objective is to scale-up ROCS from its current TRL 6. The commercial version will continuously monitor the ore composition and will operate in harsh environments at very early stages of the mining process, as a warning system to prevent further processing of worthless ore.
2. The OEM demo partner search yielded the selection of two end-user mining partners to co-develop a demonstration installation in Australia and Chile.
3. The process change analysis showed to demonstrate on-site again and again and obtain the privilege of mine manager approval.
4. The market and geographic analysis showed that the market size/growth is large enough for entry. Analysis of our added value and of the competitors shows a strong position. Our main advantage over existing competition: flexible and fast solution.
5. The pricing strategy has led to a price for a ROCS unit, including training and installation.
6. The risk check showed one major factor: money is the best motivator to initiate change. We must focus on the potential cost reduction in order to get the customers interested.
7. We have drafted the components of an up-dated business plan.
Our main advantage over existing competition has become clear: flexible and fast: new unique solution at lower cost
The study has also resulted in a change of the objective target market: mining equipment is maintained, but it has become clear that the application can be much broader than ore sorting alone.