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Nanocoating deposition of anti-fingerprint and fluorine free material on glass for optical lenses and solar panels industry

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Nadam-G (Nanocoating deposition of anti-fingerprint and fluorine free material on glass for optical lenses and solar panels industry)

Période du rapport: 2019-04-01 au 2019-09-30

Today the glass lenses and solar panels have a low durability and are easily stained with undesirable fingerprint, oil, dust and environmental pollutants decreasing the efficiency of their optical properties and generating and extra cost and time for their cleaning. In addition, the most current approaches for achieving an amphiphobic material (repels water and oil) rely on fluorinated compounds such as perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (PFAS)s, that may be carcinogenic for animal and humans at relatively high dose levels with strong evidence for connection between exposure to them and several forms of cancer.
The main objectives of the project include, in a first phase, disrupting the solar panel and optical lenses markets with a more durable, non-toxic (fluorine-free), more sustainable (solvent-free) and highly efficient omniphobic nanocoating that will increase the efficiency and reduce maintenance costs of aforementioned industries. In subsequent phases, other potential sectors are expected to be targeted.
We have performed a thorough feasibility study of the project to develop a comprehensive go-to-market action plan. It has included a study of the target markets, namely, solar panels and optical lenses, a legal feasibility analysis of the regulation and freedom to operate. The main results obtained so far are a sound commercial strategy and company structure scheme. Additionally, the benchmarking of competitor solutions has lead us to define further technical requirements and activities needed, which have been gathered in a working plan and corresponding budget. Taking these outputs, the business model and plan has been upgraded, better defining our exploitation strategy, as well as our target client. Finally, the financial and economic feasibility of the project for subsequent phases has been extensively designed and itemized.
Current allegedly amphiphobic coatings are short-lasting, fluorine based solutions and, in most cases, they only display hydrophobic properties. Our disruptive solution addresses two key problems: i) fluorinated nanocoated material that produces toxic health effects and harms the environment and ii) the low durability of coatings. Nadam-g is a high durable, self-cleaning and eco-friendly nanocoating, consisting in a covalently bonded, hierarchically structured polymer that reduces maintenance/cleaning, preserves the optical properties and contributes to a more competitive, safe and environmentally conscious industry.