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Recycling technology to introduce rubber from End-of-Life Tyres into production lines as virgin rubbers substitute

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - VALUE-RUBBER (Recycling technology to introduce rubber from End-of-Life Tyres into production lines as virgin rubbers substitute)

Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2022-08-31

Value-Rubber is a research project aimed at the recycling and reuse of tires from vehicles at the end of their useful life. End-of-Life-Tyres (ELTs) recycling is a global issue, also in Europe. Some efforts have been made to mitigate this problem but none so far have proven to be completely effective. What we do with ELTs is both a challenge and an opportunity. One of the main European challenge is to turning waste into a resource. In this sense, in line with the principles of circular economy, ELTs should now be considered as a very valuable resource. Rubber is a key raw material for Europe since is either a petroleum based (Synthetic rubber) or imported (Natural rubber) source. The Value-Rubber business opportunity relies on all of these arguments since we have developed a game-changing ELTs recycling technology (DevulCore) that will offer a stable price and good quality raw rubber source for Rubber Goods Manufacturers which could replace current virgin rubbers without diminished quality. In addition, ELTs recyclers will increase recycled rubbers added value and will reduce its stock by opening to new markets.
Value-rubber technical solution: DevulCore is a complete devulcanization technology, it permits both the strict control and the tuning of the devulcanization process parameters, being able of selectively break C-S bonds, without breaking main chain C-C bonds. Value-Rubber technology enables the whole selective bonds breakage; hence it will fully recover properties and structure of those virgin rubbers used for tyre manufacturing. DevulCore offers devulcanized rubbers suitable to all industrial viscosity ranges, improving dramatically the procesability.
VALUE-RUBBER has the following main aims:
1- To carry out technical activities in order to transfer previous batch process validated at functional level into an operational modular prototype of 30 kg/h aiming at demonstrate DevulCore technology and Value-Rubber Family in operational environment as well as to assure a fast industrial scale-up.
2- To promote technology and products involving stakeholders and end users as well as making it ready our commercial plan in order to assure a successful market entry in TIER-1 markets, and further TIER-2
The VALUE-RUBBER project have developed a new technology called Devulcore to devulcanize the tyre rubber. The DevulCore modular process have been successfully engineered. It has been defined the elements necessary for the modular prototype manufacturing as well as those for the efficiency system based on the previous devulcanization batch process. Dymotec have developed a microwave prototype and Synthelast have developed an extruder prototype, both, following the engineered layout.
The pilont plant to demonstrate the Devulcore technology have been completely assembled, and it is plenty functional. The pilot plant, also, has been tested and the issues founded were solved.
Six types of devulcanized rubber have been produced by Synthelast and processed by Borflex. These six types have been tested with extrusion and compress processes to produce profiles and compressed pieces.
A process optimization focus on the optimization of the energy consumption and the production cost has been carried out for the microwave and the extruder and also for the Value-Rubber products family.
Borflex has manufactured the following samples:
• By compresion mold:
◦ Hose
◦ Cap
◦ Diaphragm
◦ Rubber-frame
◦ Stopers
• By extrusion:
◦ Profiles
Also, test have been performed to the Value-Rubber family samples to ensure the quality achievement.
Samples have been showed to selected clients to receive feedback about the quality and performance.
Extensive communication and dissemination work has been carried out, including attendance at conferences, talks, media interviews, social networks, videos, newsletters and a presentation day.
Stakeholders and potential customers have been contacted to assess the interest of market players and an exploitation plan to spread the Devulcore technology have been implemented.
Currently, the pilot plant is finished and it has been made available to the stakeholders to make trials or test materials. The next step is to spread the technology following the developed exploitation plan.
During the progress of the project many companies and associations related to tyre have contacted with CETEC, the coordinator of ValueRubber, manifesting great interest for the project developing. This interest only can be translated in a great impact at the end of the project. That is, a technology to revert the vulcanization and introduce the tyre rubber residue in the production line again.
Microwave construction detail 2
Contact with SIGNUS: spanish tire collection management system
First sample of devulcanized rubber
Final VALUE-RUBBER products
Public demonstration of the technology
Overview of pilot plant
hydralic system detail of the extruder
NEUMATIMUR and FREMM visit CETEC to get information about ValueRubber
The software to monitorize the devulcore process