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Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ARIADNA (Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services)

Reporting period: 2020-12-01 to 2021-11-30

In a thriving context of transformation of urban mobility, where schemes combining public and private mobility options (also known as Mobility as a Service) are evolving faster than ever due to social, economic and technological changes, Public Transport Authorities (PTA), Public Transport Operators (PTO), and industrial providers must get prepared and adopt the necessary tools and knowledge to manage the mobility services of the future in a more flexible and efficient way. EGNSS has the potential to enhance the quality of public transportation by reducing operational costs, and reducing negative externalities, while fostering the development of a wide range of new shared mobility services.

ARIADNA supports the adoption of EGNSS for Public Transport and urban mobility by raising awareness on GALILEO / EGNOS benefits, and its superior technical features, among the different stakeholders involved, namely decision-makers, PTAs/PTOs, and supporting the introduction of new solutions provided by SMEs and start-ups, in a fruitful cooperation with academia and research centers, ultimately promoting visibility at global scale, generating broad awareness, and technological capacitation.

The project strategic objectives are:

1) To raise broad awareness about the technological enhancements of EGNSS, identify the most relevant challenges for improved positioning and navigation, and the expected benefits of leveraging EGNSS in public transport and urban mobility planning and operations; highlight the market perspectives of EGNSS in order to ensure the penetration of EGNSS in the urban mobility/public transport sector, in Europe and beyond.

2) To engage directly with EGNSS and urban mobility stakeholders, supporting them towards building their capacity and decision-making ability to integrate EGNSS in the urban mobility market, with a focus on public transport.

3) To create concrete business opportunities and strategic excellence partnerships between EGNSS and urban mobility/public transport actors, in Europe and other prioritized regions.
- WP1

Ethic requirements as defined in the deliverables D1.1 & D1.2 have been duly fulfilled.

- WP2

Factual, as the Project Coordinator of ARIADNA, has managed the project. Due to the Covid-19 related issues, there were several activities that suffered changes in their planning. These modifications have required more efforts from Factual to coordinate the consortium activities. The Hackathon, meetings with S4C Forum members and other dissemination activities that were previously planned for being face-to-face events, were rescheduled in different online events. The kick-off meeting hold in Prague at the beginning of January 2020, was the only face-to-face meeting. The Consortium had a fluent communication during the period, holding regular teleconferences.

- WP3

The main objectives are to understand in depth the market of Public Transport and Urban Mobility in Europe and worldwide, how GNSS is being used or can be used in different urban mobility services and to identify the most relevant challenges for urban mobility services where EGNSS can bring an added value. This has resulted in D3.1 - The role and challenges of GNSS for the Urban Mobility/Public Transport market, submitted on November 2020.

- WP4

The focus has been on building the capacity activities, especially for startups and SMEs, with the objective to identify key stakeholders interested to adopt the technology, spreading at the same time the knowledge on GALILEO and engaging with the community of startups and SMEs. As a result, D4.2-Qualified Database of European Startups was submitted on M8. During September and October 2020 a series of 15 interviews were conducted to selected European startups and SMEs included in the database. Specialized magazines and newspapers, business angels and LinkedIn groups were also contacted, as well as the main European events and conferences related to urban mobility.

The 1st ARIADNA Hackathon was successfully organized in November 2020.

The White Paper (D4.1) has been delivered, and the Galileo Demonstration Kit is under development, with expected delivery in Q2-2021.

The 1st ARIADNA webinar was organized on December 11th 2020.

- WP5

The main objectives are to engage PTA, PTOs, city councils and relevant technology suppliers of the EGNSS ecosystem, in contributing to setting the ARIADNA project priorities and reviewing the results. The first step was to define and create the Space 4 Cities Forum (S4C), which is an advisory group of cities, PTAs, PTOs and technology providers supporting ARIADNA activities. To engage entities to build this S4C Forum, we worked on a message (a ppt presentation) highlighting the advantages of joining the Forum, and also explaining its philosophy and nature. Thanks to this message and to the contribution of all the partners with their contacts and networks, we were capable to build our S4C Forum composed by 21 Entities from all around the world. See:

- WP6

• Submission of D6.1 .2 & .3
• Creation and update of the project website and Twitter (@ProjectAriadna)
• Creation of visual identity, logo, brochure & templates
• Dissemination of GSA 2018 paper through ARIADNA website articles + social media
• E-newsletter sent in July 2020 to 108 subscribers
• 14 publications in Industry Magazines and online media sources
• Several mentions of ARIADNA in UITP newsletters including the EU Express Newsletter with 19.000 subscribers & the Combined Mobility newsletter with 7.000 subscribers
Overall, the project is evolving positively; all the WP are progressing as expected, in general terms. Several partners have adapted the planned activities to the current conditions (COVID-19). The modification of activities due to the pandemic has no impact on the global budget of the project, nor on the expected impacts, namely raising awareness and building capacity among key stakeholders in the Public Transport domain as to understanding, and adopting GALILEO in future public procurement processes, and building more accurate, more resilient urban mobility applications and services relying on multi-constellation receivers. ARIADNA will continue the planned activities with a stronger focus on online activities, and aims at a final event at UITP's Global Public Transport Summit in Melbourne by end of 2021.