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Transformative Impact Of BlocKchain tEchnologies iN Public Services

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TOKEN (Transformative Impact Of BlocKchain tEchnologies iN Public Services)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2023-03-31

The specific objectives of the TOKEN project are listed in the following:
- Create and Develop a Blockchain Platform as a Service Solution for piloting the use of DLT as driver for the transformation of Public Services
- Assess the impact and spillovers of adopting DLT in Public Services
- Create and grow a wide pan-European community of early adopters to examine the impact of adopting DLT in Public Sector
- Ensure the growth and sustainable operation of the TOKEN BCPaaS.
In the reporting period we achieved:
- The first release of the BCPass has been released, including the test bed environment. It allows any developer to request a developer account and to either experiment with the services in the test environment or to directly use them for production.
- The Wiki with the description of the services has been released with the instructions and the documentation to guide the user in the implementation and use of the technologies
- At this stage 8 nodes are in place for the different services. More specifically:
- 1 machine for the developer portal
- 2 for the API gateway and its authorisation/authentication system
- 2 for IPFS
- 3 for the Fabric Blockchain for the Notarisations services.

Currently the nodes are all hosted and managed by fundingbox. Further nodes will be held by the partners once they start to use the services.
As standing from the work and achievements in Period 1, the below impacts still hold as expected results until the end of the project:
Impact #1. Enable public authorities to develop pathways for the introduction of disruptive technologies while also addressing the societal challenges raised by such technologies
Impact #2. Based on a thorough understanding of users’ needs, the action will enhance knowledge on digital democracy; develop new ways of providing public services, of ensuring public governance and of boosting public engagement with the help of disruptive technologies
Impact #3. Contribute to developing new practices, to optimize work processes and to integrating evidence-based decision-making processes in public services and in services such as health, education, social welfare and mobility
Besides the above impact, additional expected substantial impacts are:
Additional Impact #1. Building a self-sustainable Blockchain Platform as a Service for European public service operators
Additional Impact #2. Reinforce ethical, legal, cultural and Socio-Economic (ELSEC) values as source of competitive advantage for European Businesses
Project Overview