Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EOSC Enhance (Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds)
Reporting period: 2020-12-01 to 2021-11-30
Objective 1: Enhance the service provider interface and incorporate new services and resources into the EOSC catalogue.
Objective 2: Accelerate the deployment and uptake of EOSC services and resources.
Objective 3: Increase user demand for EOSC services and resources via portal improvements and development.
Objective 4: Enable easier access to thematic clouds services and data.
EOSC Enhance is committed to work in close collaboration and synergy with new Infraeos-03 and -07 projects for iterative improvement of the process, prioritisation and implementation.
Due to the start of the new phase in EOSC and the transition to a new governance system under the lead of the EOSC Association, EOSC Enhance will actively participate in the discussions, decisions and actions affecting the development and maintenance of the EOSC Portal. The project confirms its commitment in aligning, as far as possible, planned tasks to the emerging needs of the EOSC community at large and to the changes of this evolving system. EOSC Enhance, has its main focus on the EOSC Portal Software Release 2 in 2021, which will include regular minor bug-fixing releases and 2 major new releases (mid 2021, end of 2021) with new functionalities for providers and end users.