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High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HiPEAC (High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation)

Reporting period: 2019-12-01 to 2021-02-28

The top-level objectives of HiPEAC are:
[O0] Stimulating collaboration between academic and industrial communities, and connecting them to the innovation community in the field of CPSoS.
[O1] Structuring the community
[O2] Connecting the communities
[O3] Sharing information
[O4] Sharing talent
[O5] Roadmapping
[O6] Impact analysis
[O7] Stimulating innovation

The HiPEAC network is very ambitious in its goals and it wants to extend its operation beyond the 12 partners of the network. Any excellent European researcher from academia or industry can join the HiPEAC network as a HiPEAC member. A HiPEAC member has both entitlements and responsibilities. He or she can participate in all public HiPEAC activities and has access to the resources of the network (grants, internships, summer school, conference, newsletter …). In return, we expect the members to collaborate with other members in the network and to promote the network. Inactive members automatically lose their membership status.

HiPEAC members can furthermore link their students, colleagues and collaborators, making them HiPEAC PhD students or HiPEAC affiliated members. Finally, non-European researchers can become associate members. Associate members have almost the same rights as regular HiPEAC members, but as non-Europeans they cannot access the financial resources.
The HiPEAC objectives are translated into a joint program of activities consisting of four work packages, supplemented by appropriate management processes.
WP1: Community building & networking

This WP focuses on increasing the size of the industrial research community, the innovation community, the CPS community, the stakeholder community, and the EU new member state community. On top of this, we also strive for a better gender balance.

Between 1 December 2019 and 28 February 2021, the HiPEAC community welcomed 56 new members, 21 of them from industry, 13 from the innovation community, 4 from NMS and 6 from the CPS community. The community has been growing steadily. Currently, HiPEAC has 12 partners, 755 European members, and 130 associate members. Of the 755 members, 234 are members from companies. Furthermore, we have 1 050 HiPEAC PhD students and 434 other affiliate members. The current list of members is available at

Beyond attracting new members, we also want to retain them by offering them services and opportunities to network and to collaborate. Therefore, we organise events that stimulate the communities to connect, and their members to interact.

The HiPEAC2020 conference in Bologna brought 608 attendees together. 44 papers were presented in the main conference track and 24 workshops and 13 tutorials took place.

The virtual HiPEAC2021 conference welcomed 894 participants. 29 workshops and 6 tutorials were organised as part of this event.

The ACACES2020 summer school was held virtually from 6 to 17 July 2020. The summer school attracted 926 applications, which resulted in 658 attending at least one full course.

HiPEAC also organized one computing systems week. The Autumn 2020 computing systems week was organised as a virtual event in October and attracted 255 participants.

WP2: Communication & talent management

This work package on contains tasks like communications, the website and roadshow, activities meant to share news about the community, and to promote the community internally, and externally.

A dedicated communication officer assures the high quality of the HiPEAC communications and thereby reaches out to a wide and diverse audience outside of the HiPEAC community.

Another asset of the network is our recruitment services and jobs website. In HiPEAC6, we continue to work with a talent manager to further develop and professionalize our recruitment support and portal.
HiPEAC offers three mobility activities: internships, collaboration grants and jobs.

The HiPEAC6 jobs portal is an active market place for job seekers, and employers (see ). The primary reason for its success is that it is specialised in profiles with a deep knowledge in software, computer architecture, tools, embedded systems, compilation. Institutions and companies can post European-based job openings on the portal. The jobs openings are being promoted globally. This policy helps keeping talent in Europe, while still attracting talent from outside Europe. In period 1, a record number of 913 jobs were posted on the portal. In addition, HiPEAC Jobs has continued to provide mentoring activities leveraging the expertise of our community.

WP3: Roadmapping & impact analysis

The work package on Roadmapping is a work package with longer-term goals. It contains technology watch and roadmapping activities that led to the HiPEAC Vision 2021. By working together with other stakeholders, it also has a structuring effect on the community.

A tangible result of the vision building process is the HiPEAC vision, a document that describes the HiPEAC vision on high-performance and embedded architecture and compilation for the coming decade. The 8th version was published in January 2021. See By the end of February 2021, the vision had been downloaded 33 709 times. In addition, a short video and press release introducing the main highlights of the 2021 Vision were produced.

This task organised 6 consultation meetings with HiPEAC members and external invitees in collaboration with stakeholders.

In this task, we also carry out an in-depth impact analysis of publicly funded research by interviewing successful SMEs. We try to find out what were the key factors that led to their success, and whether public funding played a role, and if so, in which stage.

WP4: Management

The work package on Management guarantees that all the work packages and tasks are carried out as described in the description of action.

The HiPEAC network is coordinated by Koen De Bosschere, UGENT. The HiPEAC steering committee meets monthly, either physically or virtually. HiPEAC has 4 staff members. Vicky Wandels (UGENT) does the project management, Eneko Illarramendi (UGENT) is the technical officer, Madeleine Gray (BSC) is the communication officer and Xavier Salazar (BSC) is the recruitment officer.

To support the management task, an advisory board was organised on 24 February 2021 and provided very useful feedback. The resulting insights will be used to improve the effectiveness of HiPEAC6 in period 2.

As a Coordination and Support Action , HiPEAC also wants to contribute to sustainable development. Our actions in this regards focussed on (1) taking measures to reduce the environmental carbon footprint of the events that we organize, (2) reducing the environmental footprint of the catering and goodies and (3) communicating actively about computing-based solutions that contribute to the SDGs.
HiPEAC6 improves the competitiveness of the computing industry in Europe by stimulating collaboration between academic and industrial researchers, and by connecting them to the innovation community in Europe in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems. HiPEAC6 uses successful instruments (networking, conference, training,consultations, mobility, bi-annual vision document) to structure and connect the European academic and industrial research and innovation communities. By making use of its very efficient infrastructure, the CSA has been working on this ambitious goal starting from day one.
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