Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ADEPTNESS (Design-Operation Continuum Methods for Testing and Deployment under Unforeseen Conditions for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems)
Reporting period: 2021-07-01 to 2023-03-31
Objective 1: To demonstrate an increment in software quality for CPSoS.
Objective 2: To demonstrate a reduction in the re-commissioning cost of software releases for CPSoS while guaranteeing its reliability.
Objective 3: To increase synergies and collaborations between sector-leading companies and academic partners
Deployment: a first prototype for deploying software artefacts have been developed.
Monitoring: monitoring of hardware components and communication channels and monitoring of software artefacts is being explored.
Continuous validation: we have developed a multi-level test framework, we have researched on three type of test oracles for design and operation-time. A DSL for the definition of these oracles has been developed.
Uncertainty: An approach based on the combination of digital twins and machine-learning has been developed for run-time. For design-time we have explored the use of search algorithms and reinforcment learning for detecting unforeseen situations.
Test regeneration: Approaches based on passive and active testing for the CPSoS context are being researched.
Logging and traceability: a OSLC bridge that will be subscribed to different microservices is being developed.