Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MonB5G (Distributed management of Network Slices in beyond 5G)
Période du rapport: 2021-04-01 au 2023-04-30
Secure and trusted environments for virtualized networks are crucial, and MonB5G leverages AI techniques and emerging technologies to create a trustworthy infrastructure. It employs federated learning, blockchain, SECaaS, SDN, NFV, and VNF security to enhance trust and isolation between different tenants while mitigating security threats. The project proposes a zero-touch slicing design with autonomic, cognitive, and closed-loop management and orchestration. By embedding analytics and decision entities in domain and inter-domain managers, MonB5G achieves automatic assignment, scaling, migration, and optimization of slice-level resources.
A significant goal of MonB5G is to reduce network energy consumption by ten times. It achieves this through energy-aware AI-based techniques for resource allocation and VNF placement, allowing for the deactivation of non-utilized network elements. Telecom operators and vendors may implement MonB5G's innovations, enhancing their products, solutions, competitiveness, and market reach.
In terms of the European economy, MonB5G aims to accelerate 5G deployment by providing faster and more secure provisioning of innovative services. Market opportunities such as mobile network slicing, AI/automation for network management, and cybersecurity solutions benefit telecom vendors, operators, and vertical industries, supporting their digital transformation initiatives. For consumers and society, MonB5G's decentralized autonomic network management and orchestration optimize resource usage and improves security and resilience, leading to lower costs. This enables the provision of new innovative 5G services across various sectors, generating positive societal and environmental impacts.