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Big Energy Data Value Creation within SYNergetic enERGY-as-a-service Applications through trusted multi-party data sharing over an AI big data analytics marketplace

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


SYNERGY Overall Exploitation Strategy and Individual Exploitation Plans v1

The deliverable refers to the definition of the exploitation strategy and objectives of the SYNERGY consortium (not only as a whole, but also at an individual partner level) and will set the provisions for the smooth and successful business planning of the project

End-user and Business requirements analysis for big data-driven innovative energy services and ecosystems v1

This deliverable will focus on the definition of the SYNERGY Business Scenarios and Use Cases and will end-up to the extraction of respective high-level user requirements for the SYNERGY framework

SYNERGY Overall Exploitation Strategy and Individual Exploitation Plans v2

The deliverable refers to the update of the exploitation strategy and objectives of the SYNERGY consortium (not only as a whole, but also at an individual partner level) and will set the provisions for the smooth and successful business planning of the project

Policy and market reform recommendations report v2

The deliverable will consist in a bundle of policy and market reform recommendations as derived from the second roll-out phase of the SYNERGY solution.

Risk assessment report v1

This report documents the processes, tools and procedures in order to manage and control the risks and events that could have a negative impact in the project

Policy and market reform recommendations report v1

The deliverable will consist in a bundle of policy and market reform recommendations as derived from the first rollout phase of the SYNERGY solution

Report and Evaluation of Collaborative Activities with BRIDGE and BDVA v2

The deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule for the collaboration activities with BRIDGE/ BDVA and other similar projects

SYNERGY Dissemination and Communication Plan and Associated Material v2

The deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule for the dissemination and communications activities of the Project.

Report and Evaluation of Collaborative Activities with BRIDGE and BDVA v4

The deliverable will consolidate all collaboration activities with BRIDGE/ BDVA and similar projects.

End-user and Business requirements analysis for big data-driven innovative energy services and ecosystems v2

This deliverable will update D2.1 based on the findings of the prototyping phase of the project and the feedback from the living lab workshops

Assessment of SYNERGY business models and evaluation of relevant economic KPIs v2

The deliverable will update D10.3, focusing on the evaluation of the updated business models reported in D10.2

Socio-economic and regulatory analysis of obstacles to innovation v2

This deliverable will update D23 based on the findings of the prototyping phase of the project and the feedback from the living lab workshops

Detailed functionality specification and design of the Asset Management Tool Suite for TSOs, DSOs and RES Operators

The report will define in detail the design and the specifications for the SYNERGY tool suite for Network and RES Operators, including the sub-modules for Infrastructure sizing and grid planning, Flexibility-based Network Management and Common Operational Scheduling of power grids (D&T), Advanced Performance Monitoring/ Forecasting and Predictive Maintenance for Large-scale RES plants and Asset management optimization for power grids

SYNERGY Common Information Model

The deliverable consists in the high level domain model comprising the basic elements (semantic concepts, events, relations and respective data models etc.) underlying the SYNERGY Project.

SYNERGY Evaluation Framework and Respective Validation Scenarios

The deliverable will provide the necessary methodological pathway to enable the holistic evaluation and impact assessment of the SYNERGY project following the pilot rollout phase

Project handbook

The project handbook will describe the reporting procedures, communication policies, IPR strategy and the set of templates to be used, the project consortium contact points, email lists, web sites and other essential information.

Report on activities for the promotion of SYNERGY standardization punch-list v2

The deliverable will consist in a standardization punch-list as derived from the second roll-out phase of the SYNERGY solution.

Assessment of SYNERGY business models and evaluation of relevant economic KPIs v1

The deliverable will perform the evaluation of the business models developed in D10.1.

Detailed Demonstration Activities Management Plan

The report will describe in detail the plan for the demonstration activities across all SYNERGY pilot sites.

SYNERGY Framework Architecture including functional, technical and communication specifications v1

The deliverable consists in the detailed design of the conceptual architecture and specifications of the SYNERGY framework functional components interoperability aspects internal and external interfaces technical specifications and nonfunctional specifications

Ethics monitoring report

This report describes the procedures to manage the ethical issues of the project, including IPR strategies.

SYNERGY Living Lab Activities Plan and Evaluation Report v1

The deliverable will provide an initial schedule for the activities of the SYNERGY Living Lab

Report on activities for the promotion of SYNERGY standardization punch-list v1

The deliverable will consist in a standardization punch-list as derived from the first roll-out phase of the SYNERGY solution.

Report and Evaluation of Collaborative Activities with BRIDGE and BDVA v1

The deliverable will provide an initial plan for the collaboration activities with BRIDGE/ BDVA and other similar projects

SYNERGY Framework Architecture including functional, technical and communication specifications v2

The deliverable will update the initial design of the SYNERGY framework based on findings and issues faced during the development and integration activities of the project

SYNERGY Living Lab Activities Plan and Evaluation Report v4

The deliverable will consolidate all implemented activities of the SYNERGY Living Lab.

SYNERGY Pre-trial validation testing results

The deliverable will report on the testing activities that will be carried out to ensure problem-free functional operation of the SYNERGY tools in lab environment.

Risk assessment report v2

This report will update D1.4 on the processes, tools and procedures to manage and control the risks and events that could have a negative impact in the project

Open Call RFPs

This report will specify in detail the terms and conditions for participation monitoring tools and reporting mechanisms as part of the Request for Proposals RFP that will be published in the frame of SYNERGY

SYNERGY Living Lab Activities Plan and Evaluation Report v3

The deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule for the activities of the SYNERGY Living Lab

Open Call Projects Monitoring Report

This deliverable will report on the results of the projects that have been selected for funding under the SYNERGY RFP and will highlight remarkable use cases and innovative services built on top of the SYNERGY big data platform.

SYNERGY Holistic Performance Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis v2

The deliverable comprises the overall evaluation of the SYNERGY framework (following the 2nd phase of roll-out), considering User Experience, evaluation of impact of the SYNERGY framework and cost-benefit analysis of the integrated SYNERGY solution.

SYNERGY Joint Venture Business Innovation Plan

The deliverable consists in the SYNERGY Business Plan detailing the go-to-market and commercialization strategy that will be followed for the market launch of the integrated SYNERGY solution

Definition of novel data sharing-driven Business Models for Innovative Energy Services v1

The deliverable is concerned with the development of new business models for energy stakeholders based on data sharing principles, that will be able to integrate within current market and regulatory frameworks in addition to novel models that will assume that the disruptive SYNERGY concept will be steeply up-taken

SYNERGY Holistic Performance Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis v1

The deliverable comprises the overall evaluation of the SYNERGY framework (following the 1st phase of roll-out), considering User Experience, evaluation of impact of the SYNERGY framework and cost-benefit analysis of the integrated SYNERGY solution.

SYNERGY Living Lab Activities Plan and Evaluation Report v2

The deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule for the activities of the SYNERGY Living Lab.

Report and Evaluation of Collaborative Activities with BRIDGE and BDVA v3

The deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule for the collaboration activities with BRIDGE/ BDVA and other similar projects.

SYNERGY Dissemination and Communication Plan and Associated Material v3

The deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule for the dissemination and communications activities of the Project

Socio-economic and regulatory analysis of obstacles to innovation v1

The deliverable will analyse the prevailing legislation and regulatory frameworks in the pilot sites with respect to the initially defined demonstration scenarios and identify constraints and restrictions for the smooth introduction of innovative technologies and business models

SYNERGY Dissemination and Communication Plan and Associated Material v1

The deliverable will provide the initial schedule for the dissemination and communications activities of the Project.

Definition of novel data sharing-driven Business Models for Innovative Energy Services v2

The deliverable will update D10.1 based on the findings of the 1st phase of the pilot roll-out.

Detailed functionality specification and design of the EaaS Tool Suite for Energy Retailers and Aggregators

The report will define in detail the design and the specifications for the SYNERGY EaaS Tool Suite for Energy Retailers and Aggregators, including the sub-modules for Portfolio Analytics and Management for Electricity Retailers, Flexibility Analytics for Optimal VPP configuration and Consumer-Centric Demand Response Optimization, Personalized Energy Analytics and Energy Efficiency Optimization and Blockchain-enabled DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration.

SYNERGY Dissemination and Communication Plan and Associated Material v4

The deliverable will consolidate all dissemination and communication activities of the project

Detailed functionality specification and design of the Optimized Energy Performance Management Suite

The report will define in detail the design and the specifications for the SYNERGY Building/ District-level Analytics for Optimized Energy Performance Management, including the sub-modules for Advanced renovation support, Urban Energy Monitoring and Planning Support, Facility Management Energy Analytics, Self-Consumption Optimization & Predictive Maintenance and Real-time Building Energy Performance and Smart Readiness Certification.

SYNERGY Data Analytics, Sharing & Matchmaking Services Bundles – Beta Release

The deliverable will consist in the beta release of the SYNERGY Data Analytics Workbench, together with the Blockchain-enabled Multi-party data sharing and Exploration & Matchmaking Services

Data Collection, Security, Storage, Governance & Management Services Bundles - Release 2.00

The deliverable will update D3.5 and will provide the final version of the SYNERGY Platform core services for data collection, security, storage, governance and management.

Final Version of the EaaS Tool Suite for Energy Retailers and Aggregators

The deliverable will consist in the final version of the EaaS Tool Suite for Energy Retailers and Aggregators following the findings of the demonstration phase of the project.

1st Version of the EaaS Tool Suite for Energy Retailers and Aggregators

The deliverable will consist in the 1st version of the EaaS Tool Suite for Energy Retailers and Aggregators to be validated during the project demonstration phase

Final Version of the Asset Management Tool Suite for Network and RES plant Operators

The deliverable will consist in the final version of the Network and Asset Management Tool Suite for Network and RES operators following the findings of the demonstration phase of the project.

Data Collection, Security, Storage, Governance & Management Services Bundles – Beta Release

The deliverable focuses on the rapid prototyping and beta release of the SYNERGY Platform data collection, security, storage, governance and management services

SYNERGY Integrated Platform & Open APIs - Release 1.00

The deliverable will consist in a more mature and feature-rich version of D3.4

SYNERGY Data Analytics, Sharing & Matchmaking Services Bundles - Release 2.00

The deliverable will consist in the final version of the SYNERGY platform Data Analytics, Sharing & Matchmaking Services, based on the finding of the first phase of demonstration.

SYNERGY Integrated Platform & Open APIs - Beta Release

The deliverable will update and extend D3.3 by enriching the initial functionality and introducing open APIs providing access to external legacy systems of the energy stakeholders and to third parties, in general, to selected features of the platform

SYNERGY Integrated Platform – Alpha, Mock-ups Release

The deliverable will consist in the alpha version (with limited functionality) of the Integrated SYNERGY platform

SYNERGY Integrated Platform & Open APIs - Release 2.00

The deliverable will update D3.6 and will provide the final version of the Integrated SYNERGY Big Data Platform and Open APIs.

SYNERGY Data Analytics, Sharing & Matchmaking Services Bundles - Release 1.00

The deliverable will consist in a more mature and feature-rich version of D4.1, utilizing results of D4.2 as well to prepare for the SYNERGY deployment in the project demonstrators.

Final Version of the Optimized Energy Performance Management Suite

The deliverable will consist in the final version of the SYNERGY Building/ District-level Analytics for Optimized Energy Performance Management following the findings of the demonstration phase of the project.

1st Version of the Asset Management Tool Suite for Network and RES plant Operators

The deliverable will consist in the 1st version of the Network and Asset Management Tool Suite for Network and RES operators to be validated during the project demonstration phase

Data Collection, Security, Storage, Governance & Management Services Bundles - Release 1.00

The deliverable will consist in a more mature and feature-rich version of D3.2.

SYNERGY Baseline Data Analytics - Final Release

The deliverable will consist in the final version of the SYNERGY baseline (personal, industrial, edge) analytics algorithms and engines, based on the finding of the development, integration and demonstration phases of the project.

1st Version of the Optimized Energy Performance Management Suite

The deliverable will consist in the 1st version of the SYNERGY Building/ District-level Analytics for Optimized Energy Performance Management to be validated during the project demonstration phase

SYNERGY Baseline Data Analytics - Draft Release

The deliverable will consist in the initial development of the SYNERGY baseline personal and industrial AI big data analytics algorithms, together with the initial design and prototyping of the SYNERGY secure multi-party computations and edge analytics engine.

SYNERGY Branding, Website and Social Media Channels

The deliverable will deal with the set up of the project web site and social media channels and design of the project branding

Data Management plan

The data management plan (DMP) of the project will describe the data management lifecycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by the SYNERGY project.


Towards an Energy Data Platform Reference Architecture: Challenges and Perspectives from the SYNERGY Big Data Platform and AI Analytics Marketplace

Author(s): Suite5, UBITECH
Published in: Data Platforms: Foundations, Design Space, and Deployments, 2021
Publisher: Big Data Value Association

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