Reporting period: 2021-04-01 to 2022-12-31
In each territory, stakeholders affected by digitalization co-created a roadmap and identified goals and objectives for the transition into a digitalized territory. Based on the goals and the gaps, necessary actions were defined and developed in detail.
DigiTeRRI provided solutions and regional authorities facilitated these and offered expertise for SMEs interested in further development. Some specific examples:
a) Across the territories, a total of 36 practices in digitalization and RRI were identified and analysed at the beginning of the project.
b) The DigiTeRRI integrated RRI approach initiated a change on the way to digital transition in the project team members and their territories. 12 actions were successfully implemented in each territory. (
c) In the Région Grand-Est, stakeholders developed a smart specialization strategy (S3) in DigiTeRRI which integrated KPIs issued from RRI for the period 2020-2027.
d) Styria had a strong focus on the engagement of civil society and empowering females for digitalisation and established a platform and organised events for networking and exchange of different stakeholder groups.
e) Värmland integrated the RRI approach to the Smart Specialisation Strategy, built up strong networks between industry and university with business clusters by integrating the RRI approach. Furthermore, Värmland transfers the DigiTeRRI approach to region Dalarna.
f) The application of the DigiTeRRI integrated RRI approach effected not only the values in companies, but also the cultural values of the whole society and initiated the discussion on responsible innovation. Working with the stakeholders in the territories in this RRI integrated way created new perspectives for the everyday life in the stakeholders’ organisations.
g) DigiTeRRI outcomes are available in several forms: (1) a booklet comparing the three roadmaps (2 the guidelines of the DigiTeRRI integrated RRI approach providing information for other territories and topics (3 the implemented actions ( and (4) the White Book (D5.4) which will also be published upon approval. Furthermore, a book with specific aspects the DigiTeRRI experience will be published by the end of 2023. Public deliverables are accessible in Zenodo (
The RRI keys (gender, open access, science education, and public engagement) were addressed, discussed, and actions worked out together with the strategies and goals for the transition into a digitalized territory, and this in the co-creation workshops with the stakeholders from the territories.
DigiTeRRI had a direct impact on the transition from traditional industry to self-sustaining and resilient digitalised industrial ecosystems through the DigiTeRRI RRI approach, whereas it underlines openness, co-creation, democratic accountability, and responsiveness. DigiTeRRI achieved that (a) stakeholders learned about RRI and the transition into a digitalized territory, (b) pathways and concrete actions were developed recognizing the importance of promoting digital skills in schools and especially for girls, (c) stakeholders in the three territories established stronger connections with each other, e.g. collaboration between universities ,industry and SMEs, (d) knowledge of the importance of RRI was created and disseminated considering the implications of technology and innovation on society and environment.
The DigiTeRRI integrated RRI approach was the foundation for the implementation of 36 actions and will be used to develop in further strategies in the Région Grand Est, Styria and Värmland.