Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RADARR 2 (RAPID AND DURABLE ASPHALT ROAD REPAIRS 2)
Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2022-03-31
FUTTEC have developed a new technology for durable asphalt road repairs based on microwave technology. The crucial advantage of FUTTEC´s technology lies in seamless repair of potholes, while pothole surrounding is heated up by microwave machine FT3 and the pothole is filled by hot asphalt repair mixture and afterwards compacted. Asphalt heated to 145 °C has plastic properties and can be ideally joined with repair mixture without any seam, which is the cause of future failure, because it is the place, where water leak in and during winter freezes and break the asphalt layer.
The overall project objective is to introduce to European market a new highly competitive microwave machine, which will enable new approach in road maintenance. Using the microwave system, the preventive maintenance is possible, which could change the way of how the roads are maintained. The idea is to save money on preventive approach, while highly durable repair should be done right after the failure is identify in order to prevent costly overall reconstruction and extend the lifespan of road infrastructure.
During the project implementation a prototype of a new machine FT4 was developed. Compared to the previous model, the FT4 machine has more than 5 times higher power output enabling heating of asphalt surface in less than 10 minutes even in winter temperatures. That represents main achievement of the project. It was highly challenging to completely redesigned the whole machine, but the final result in the form of FT4 offers far more superior features to our customers than the previous model. The FT4 greatly speed up the repair process resulting in increased rentability of the machine for our customers.
In addition, FUTTEC has initiated its products introduction strategy to foreign markets - Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia and Balt countries. We have initiated communication with potential distribution partners and end-users, and we have organized couple of workshops and presentations of microwave technology. We have analysed target markets to identify potential barriers and potential opportunities. We have submitted a European patent application for our technology and a PCT application for the concept of FT4 applicator. Also, Czech patent was granted during the project implementation.
Main results of the project:
FT4 prototype
Defined commercialisation strategy for FT4 - identified partners for production, service, and distribution
European patent application and granted Czech patent for FT4 concept and related international PCT application
The outcome of the project will be an upgraded FT3 machine that will be able to heat up the asphalt to 145 °C in a layer of 6 cm in less than 10 minutes even during the winter. This will enable to repair a pothole in 20 minutes, while the repair quality is so high that the linkage of newly added repair asphalt mixture with the original asphalt layer is comparable to newly constructed road.
Environmental impact:
FUTTEC microwave technology has a comparative advantage compare to traditional technology of asphalt road repairs, because the microwave technology does not require milling of asphalt and thus no waste is produced as a result of the repair. The microwave technology enables preparation of asphalt repair mixture in require quantity at the place of repair resulting in no need of transporting bulk quantity of hot asphalt mixture from asphalt mixing plant. The waste asphalt mixture from milling is considered dangerous waste. FUTTEC technology do not require milling and thus is limitting waste production and moreover the microwave technology is suitable for reuse of recycled asphalt mixture from milling process.
Socio-economic impact:
The durability of microwave asphalt road repair lowers the life-cycle costs of asphalt road. Microwave technology enables proper preventive repairs resulting in extended service life of road infrastructure and postpone the costly overall reconstruction.