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Plan the European Roadmap and its Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy - eXtended

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PERASPERA-X (Plan the European Roadmap and its Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy - eXtended)

Période du rapport: 2019-10-01 au 2021-09-30

The project PERASPERA-X is a continuation of the PERASPERA project. The original PERASPERA project produced a roadmap of development for a Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in Space Robotics Technology.
The roadmap has been implemented within through operational grants, which have been recommended by PERASPERA and issued by the European Commission.
The overall objective of the SRC has been to deliver, within the 2023/2024 framework, key enabling technologies and demonstrate autonomous robotic systems at a significant scale as key elements for on-orbit satellite servicing and planetary exploration.
The demonstration of autonomous robotic systems at a significant scale is within the timeframe of the Horizon Europe (HE) programme.
The PERASPERA-X consortium has taken the task of ensuring the coordination and necessary exchange of information and knowledge between the remaining projects within the H2020 Space robotics technologies SRC and their exploitation within HE, respectively, by providing:
A. Updates of the roadmap as needed, to coordinate all the activities for the duration of the Space robotics technologies SRC and the ensuing activities in HE
B. Identification of the activities required to address the challenge of Space robotics technologies.
C. Identification and planning of the activities required for in-orbit demonstration and validation.
D. Assessment of the various activities and results of the projects in the Space robotics technologies SRC.
E. Coherence of actions within the field of Space Robotics with the aim to enhance the competitiveness of the European space industry in this field on the global market and to ensure validated technologies for potential use in the EU programmes.
F. A European framework activity, collaborating with stakeholders to generate guidelines & principles, for operations in Space (e.g. OOS, OOA, OOM, etc.) in the context its commercialisation, that support further law & decision making activities by appropriate instances
The original PERASPERA workplan was articulated in some continual activities and in three cycles of recurring activities, each cycle synchronized with a specific H2020 call.
The PERASPERA-X work programme has taken over the objective of successfully concluding the H2020 SRC and transition its developments towards the HE programme.
With respect to the H2020 SRC, the activities in the reference period were:
• continuation of the recurring activities
o Planning for the exploitation of the SRC results
o Monitoring of the risks associated to the SRC
o Dissemination and training activities
• conclusion of all 2nd cycle activities:
o Support to the REA/EC in the evaluation of final results
o Support to the REA/EC in the evaluation of the OG
• initiation of 3rd cycle activities
o Support to the REA/EC in the GAP,kick-off, review, and execution of Operational Grants
With respect to the HE, the activities in the reference period were:
• Support REA/EC in the SRIA discussion
• Support REA/EC in the definition of the Work Programme 2021-2022 and associate calls
• Provision of technical annexes for the 2021 and 2022 calls
The potential for a significant market for Space Robotics exists. So far this market has not is been addressed. It is different from those of other commercial space sectors like communication or navigation. In all these areas we are looking at “space-to-ground” businesses, space assets are used to create benefits on ground. The application of space robotics leads for the first time ever to a new quality of business, which can be called a “space-to-space” business. Space assets are used to improve and optimize the operation of spacecraft.
Yet, space business is a very conservative business in the sense that technologies need to be demonstrated and verified (in orbit verification is often required) before they get accepted and adapted, especially by commercial operators. Unlike other technologies, like for example the topic of the second SRC, electric propulsion, robotics for maintenance, servicing and assembly of S/C is not established as standard technology.
Therefore, any demonstration of robotic intervention in orbit is a step forward to establish robotics in space business, for servicing operations. At the same time, the design of S/C that would benefit from in-orbit maintenance needs to reflect and support robotic intervention.
The current impact the PERASPERA-X is already measurable in the fact that the EC Call 2021 and 2022 address precisely the two subjects of: demonstration in orbit and modularity of spacecraft.
The future impact in the exploitation and potential use of the products of the SRC and the ensuing HE calls is manifold:
- On the one hand, the expected outputs of the SRC should be very welcome by satellites primes and industry involved in space robotics. The European added value of the SRC is the possibility of exploring ground-breaking space robotics applications and underlying technologies that are currently not allowed by the Agencies' more conservative development programs.
- On the other hand, institutional and commercial operators of satellites, especially fleet operators, will be able to adapt developments of this SRC and to prepare their future S/C for intervention by space robotic servicer. The current way of operating S/C in a kind of throw away mentality is not expected to change, unless robotic servicing of S/C has been demonstrated, as is the goal for this SRC.
- Due to the potential business case associated to the servicing of Telecom, Navigation or Earth Science satellites, the general public will be affected indirectly by the creation of jobs in Europe and the reduction in cost of the services provided by these satellites (broadcasting, communications, Internet, space imaging, etc.). The scientific interest associated to the planetary exploration missions (Mars, Moon, asteroids, etc), which robotics will enable, is also expected to attract the public interest in space in general.
- Finally, there is a considerable potential for spin-off, since most of the expected advances in space robotics (especially on the common building blocks track) will probably have a relatively direct implementation in industrial or commercial robotics in important and large market areas such as automotive, aeronautics, domotics (home automation), energy (e.g. deep-sea extraction) and medical sectors, just to name the more obvious.
PERASPERA-X Vision for affordable space by modular spacecraft and servicing
PERASPERA-X Vision of high performance exploration by means of collaborative robot