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European Hydrogen Train the Trainer Programme for Responders

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HyResponder (European Hydrogen Train the Trainer Programme for Responders)

Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2021-06-30

The aim of HyResponder is to develop and implement a sustainable trainer the trainer programme in hydrogen safety for responders throughout Europe, supporting the commercialisation of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies by informing responders involved in the permitting process, improving resilience and preparedness, and ensuring appropriate accident management and recovery. The specific objectives of the project include the development of clear and updated operational, virtual reality, and educational training for trainers of responders to reflect the state-of-the-art in hydrogen safety.
The European Emergency Response Guide for responders will be revised to reflect advancements. The materials will incorporate identified intervention strategies and tactics for liquefied hydrogen applications. A Pan-European Network of responder trainers will be established and trainers from at least 10 European countries will attend a bespoke course in hydrogen safety pertinent to responders. Using feedback from the network on national specificities, educational training materials will be adapted where required to reflect regional peculiarities. The materials for responders will be translated and made available in 8 languages via an e-Platform. The translated materials will be utilised by the newly trained trainers to deliver workshops in 10 countries across Europe enhancing the reach and impact of the programme.
National Training Clusters will be developed to consolidate links between the hydrogen safety and responder communities and to support the delivery of workshops at a national level. Through the establishment of an International e-forum for responders, and the integration of the translated materials in the e-Platform, it is anticipated that a sustainable pan-European training programme in hydrogen safety for responders will be developed, which will be recognised as the standard in hydrogen safety training across Europe.
The project is on track and in line with the timeline and plan of work outlined in Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement. All deliverables and milestones due within the first reporting period have been completed.
WP1 “The state-of-the-art in hydrogen safety provisions and training of responders” is complete. Three deliverables namely: D1.1 Report on hydrogen safety aspects of technologies, systems, and infrastructures pertinent to responders, D1.2 Description of regional, national, and international training activities for responders to accidents involving hydrogen and D1.3 Account of scenarios and operational emergency planning and response strategies and tactics, have been used to inform and underpin activities, particularly within WP2 and WP3.
WP2 focused on training materials is well-underway. The curriculum in hydrogen safety for responders has been updated to reflect the state-of-the-art. A new set of lectures with additional content and modules has been produced, the European Emergency Response Guide (EERG) has been revised, and in addition to extending the scenarios considered for operational and virtual reality training, efforts have been made to support these elements virtually. A beta version of the online e-Platform with supporting tools is at Educational materials have been stratified into up to four levels. Within the second period a standard learning module will be designed aligned to the European Qualification Framework.
Training clusters are established in 10 European countries (WP3) and responder trainers attended a one-week “train-the-trainer” event in June 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic, it was not possible to run face-to-face operational and virtual reality training. A virtual training activity was held rather than delay the project. Ideally, trainers will attend face-to-face training in December 2021, however, delivery of bespoke workshops by the trainers in 2022 is not dependent on this.
National workshops will be delivered within the second half of the project (WP4), specifically the last year (2022) to allow maximum time for translation of teaching materials and to increase the probability for trainers to attend a face-to-face event in advance. A draft schedule for the events has been prepared, identifying proposed timing, duration, leaders, location, target audiences, and stakeholders. Following feedback at the June training event, it is intended to extend the stakeholders in some cases.
Whilst some activities have been undertaken to disseminate the project (WP5) it is expected that the thrust of efforts in this direction will be in the second reporting period now that there has been progress to present. An active stakeholder’s advisory board (SAB) exists, with 33 members. A focus has been on including responders from countries not directly represented in the consortium.
The consortium has established the necessary administrative and management systems (WP6). The project website is in place ( and the e-Platform has been linked to this. A password-protected members’ area serves as a repository for all project documents.
HyResponder is a coordination action rather than a PNR project, so the emphasis has been on reflecting the state of the art in teaching materials. This has been achieved, for example, the lectures delivered at the “Train the trainer” event in June 2021 reflected the most recent findings in the safety of liquified hydrogen, as described in the output of the recently completed FCH JU PRESLHY project.
The HyResponder consortium is working towards fulfilling the impacts outlined in the FCH 2 JU workplan. Reach and impact of the training is vital to the sustainability of the project beyond the funded period.
“Education of first and second responders in hydrogen safety” is ongoing, to date, this has been achieved through the train the trainer event (D3.1) and this will be built upon in the second period through a series of training events across Europe (WP4). The bespoke e-Platform and the availability of materials online support training beyond those organisations represented in the project.
“Enhancement of emergency planning and preparedness relating to FCH technologies and infrastructure” is directly linked to the training of responders as described above, this is being achieved through activities in WP3, WP4, and WP5.
“Reduced risk of incidents and accidents relating to hydrogen infrastructure” will indirectly be achieved through the wide reach of the training activities, and also through the dissemination of the project outputs. This impact is ongoing.
The “foundation of a Pan-European Network of responder trainers” is underway and will be consolidated within the second period. A beta version of the “e-Platform for responders through Europe” is publicly available for feedback already, ahead of schedule. This directly links to and supports the “foundation of an International Forum of Responders in Hydrogen Safety Training”.
A “European emergency response guide” has been updated and is publicly available, it will be further refined as required.
Steps are underway in support of a “roadmap for the recognition of HyResponder training as standard across Europe” specifically through the stratification of the training materials, and development of a learning module.
Through integration in the e-Platform, and public availability of the training materials, it is expected that the reach will extend to a wider range of end-users.
VR Vehicle Example - CRISE
HyResponder logo
Location of training courses across Europe
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