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Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - CoFBAT (Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications)

Reporting period: 2022-05-01 to 2024-04-30

CoFBAT aims at the development of a novel solution for battery storage technology, reducing dependency on cobalt, and improving safety by a novel polymer electrolyte combined with a reliable anode technology. The proposed technology targets to achieve long lifetime cells (>10.000 cycles), low cost (0.03€/kWh/cycle) cost below 300 euro/kwh at system level and improved safety being validated in 21700 cells. In addition, the CoFBAT battery concept enables to achieve a high recycling efficiency.
As conclusion of the action COFBAT has succeeded in developing novel chemistries for anode, cathode and gelified electrolyte. A cathode cobalt free based on Lithium nickel manganese oxide has been developed with specifical capacity of 147 mAh/gr. Two anodes have been selected,a metal doped Titanium niobate for anode, with a specific capacity of 266 mAh/gr capacity has been obtained, and insitu graphite coated Silicium nanoparticles and their process has been implemented and a composite made up of silicium graphite anode material (80%-20%) achieved with a specific capacity of 900 mAh/gr. In terms of gel polymer electrolyte material has been produced and adjusted to the specific cathode -anode. Three different compositions of gel polymer have been produced, showing the versatility of the technology.Project has been demonstrated in different cell configurations, 200, 500 mah pouch cells and 21700 cells. Novel cells allow to provide solutions for energy storage and grid stabilization with a cost of system 137 to 228 euros/kwh. Safety has been evaluated showing larger stabililty. CoFBAT has defined a recycling concept and validated the recycling of elements 97% recycling of Nickel, and manganese and 57-97% for lithium. Modelization of electrode performance has been validated increasing knowledge on materials as well a post mortem analysis has allowed to understand materials.In terms of dissemination 20 public deliverables, 8 papers published and managed to disseminate the project holding 3 webinars.
Work carried focused on a)definition of market requirements and KPI ,b) development of innovative materials for anode, cathode and electrolyte,c) optimization of cell configuration, electrode and cell assembly d) understanding of material interactions, post mortem analysis, d) final prototype integration, production process definition e) dissemination of results.The main results for the final reporting period have been upscaling of cell technology to 200 ,500 mAh cells and 21700 cells. In the upscaling the results of fundamental research could be applied to built up larger battery cells. The work allowed the partners to learn about all the issues which are coming up by scaling from the lab level to a pilot scale. Novel anode material Titanium niobate silicium graphite and graphite, cathode lithium nickel manganese oxide have been integrated into electrodes. Electrode processing, gel polymer electrolyte casting for integration into a 21700-cell line has been upscaled. The novel manufacturing flow is adapted for the gel polymer electrolyte membrane by adding an electrode drying step, a lamination step. 21700 cells and 500 mAh cells have been cycled under diverse charging conditions.The developed cells have been tested according UN38.3 tests, including Altitude Simulation, Thermal Cycling External Short-Circuit and the 180°C degradation test. The results have yielded promising outcomes for the novel cells. The safety tests conducted on the 200 mAh pouch cells yielded excellent results in terms of safety performance. The tests confirmed the absence of thermal runaway, a critical safety aspect, ensuring that the batteries can operate securely under stress conditions. Cycling performance of cells have been defined, from 80 % state of health to 65 % addressing energy storage market.
CoFBAT has advanced in analysis of different cells,Analysis of aging,Post-mortem analysis and identification of factors leading to a low performance in novel pouch cells have been identified as well as materials interaction within the cell that allow to improve synthesis to reduce ion diffusivity, leaching of elements.
Life cycle assessment has been carried out for novel cell process. CoFBAT has developed a recycling process in which the recycling efficiency is over 50 wt.% and tested recycled materials like titanium , niobium in the anode materials. In terms of life cycle assessment the most preferable approach for global warming effect is the use of graphite, followed by the titanium niobate.The results indicate the significant environmental impact of not having cobalt in the cell chemistry compared to cobalt systems. Regarding the Cumulative Energy Demand, the system using titanium niobate and lithium niquel manganate has the smallest contribution. Regarding the Mineral, fossil & resource depletion, the lowest indicator value corresponds also to the use of titanium niobate, approximately 5 times lower than the baseline The most preferable approach for this environmental characteristic is the titanium niobate anode
Dissemination activities in CoFBAT have been made through regular updates on website., attending more than 40 people each webinar. 8 newsletters have been distributed and 20 public deliverables have been submitted and publications in open source Zenodo have been made, CoFBAT has attended 5 cluster events. CoFBAT has been present in 14 conferences and exhibitions like the Battery Innovations Days (BID) in 2023, the 5th International Forum on Progress and Trends in Battery and Capacitor Technologies 2021 .3 Promotional videos were released and one final event was organized.
COFBAT addresses advances beyond state or art in following areas:Development and optimization of materials: As cathode materials, CoFBAT has achieved production of cobalt free cathode based on lithium nickel manganese oxide with a capacity of 147 mAh/gr, having been met the scope of 50% reduction in material cost and having been produced so far up to 20 kg.In terms of anode,a cobalt free anode based on doped titanium niobate has been produced by ceramic process with a specific capacity of 266 mAh/gr.CoFBAT has advanced in an alternative anode based on silicium graphite nanoparticles avoiding swelling with a capacity of 900 mAh/gr.In terms of Impact, CoFBAT has achieved the following: Enhanced market success of the new more competitive and sustainable technologies, obtained by strong reduction of the cost for stationary applications, Novel cells are at 137 to 262 €/kwh at system level. CoFBAT addresses energy storage systems for automated guided vehicles, Non-Road Mobile Machinery energy storage systems for grid, photovoltaic system integration in commercial and residential use. Environmental impact and reduction of footprint: More sustainable products, with a recycling efficiency beyond currently legal obligations, as established in the Batteries Directive CoFBAT has managed to demonstrate 97% recycling of nickel, manganese,57-97% Lithium defining an innovative recycling strategy.
In case of the innovation capacity and the integration of new knowledge, strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies CoFBAT’s cobalt-free battery cell contributes strongly to the socially and environmentally strong impact of developing a new generation of batteries which will be less dependence on the geopolitical instable cobalt mines. Throughout project 8 PhD students were involved.
CoFBAT presentation at ESGC21 by EASE
final event cofbat
CoFBAT WP4 BID2023 poster
final event CoFBAT