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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE



Période du rapport: 2020-01-01 au 2021-06-30

The SWITCH project aims to use the Solid Oxide Cells (SOC) technology to develop an innovative system for "mostly green and always secured" production of hydrogen, heat and power. Solid Oxide Cells are efficient ways to convert variable electricity from renewables in green hydrogen. At the same time, they can be used in a reversible mode to enable the use of other sources (e.g. methane, bio-methane) to match a variable energy production with continuous and guaranteed production of hydrogen for contracted end uses. Core of the SWITCH system is a reversible Solid Oxide module based on anode supported electrolyte. The SOC module will be supported by an advanced fuel processing unit able to manage steam generation and methane reforming reactions at high efficiency, and by a purification unit able to guarantee highly pure hydrogen in compliance with the main industrial and automotive standards. The SWITCH project will demonstrate a 25kW (SOFC)/75kW (SOEC) system operating in a relevant industrial environment for at least 5000 hrs. Part of the R&D activities will be focused on cost competitiveness and environmental impact, with the target of reaching an hydrogen price lower than 5 €/kg. The basic SWITCH system will be designed to be scalable to bigger sizes and thus reaching target applications in other different sectors such as industrial, residential and grid services. The modularity, low transient times, an integrated gas treatment unit and different modules combined in between SOFC and SOE mode will set the SWITCH system as an innovative solution able to modulate between different sources and a flexible production of hydrogen, heat and power, with specific use cases considered.
The activities performed during first half of the SWITCH project focus on:
- the definition of the design basis (WP2) with the assessment of the demand profiles for hydrogen and power related to 4 potential use-cases at hydrogen refuelling stations (T2.1); the definition of the technical specifications of the SWITCH system comprising general description, proposed layout and utilities specification, operating modes for each module (T2.2); the preparation of a detailed action plan on the activities for LCA, LCC and TEA (T2.4); the analysis of the standards and legal framework related to hydrogen production at the EU and national level (T2.5).
- the system process modelling, simulation and design (WP3) with the results of multi-period & multi-objective optimisation analysis to design SWITCH to operate efficiently in multiple modes satisfying variable demand (T3.1); the drafting of the P&ID (T3.2) and the definition of the control strategy design (T3.3)
- the design and initial construction of the cold Balance of Plance (BoP), the hot BoP, the desiccation and purification unit and the control unit (WP4);
- the design and testing of the Large Stack module(WP5), with the test and analysis of the LSM module operating in electrolysis mode at DLR (T.3);
- the dissemination and communication of the results (WP7), with the opening of the website and social media channels (LinkedIn and Twitter), the design of the communication materials and the preparation of an editorial plan to publish the project results.
- the data management plan (WP8) for data management in line with the FAIR principles and open science paradigm
The SWITCH project aims to demonstrate the core building block for a efficient path towards reliable zero-carbon hydrogen with secured continuous supply and production by an integrated low carbon back-up. Offering both economic and continuous hydrogen, it opens the door for the clean energy transition to medium and small-scale industries whose productivity and competitivity depends on permanent availability of hydrogen for their processes. The projects leverages the substantial progress achieved within the CH2P project to target the following techno-economic and socio-environmental impacts:

- Demonstration of secure year-round green or low carbon H2 availability of over 90% for hydrogen dependent processes, also during dark doldrums;
- Year round hydrogen availability and polygeneration assuring maximum annual capacity utilization reducing thereby the specific CAPEX (i.e. CAPEX per kg of H2 or kWh electricity) is reduced to <5,000 €/(kg H2/day) at an annual system manufacturing volume corresponding to 40,000 kg/day;
- Replacement of carbon intensive steam reformers and hydrogen-logistics with reduction of >60% in CO2 emission per kg of produced hydrogen;
- Cost effectiveness with targets of 2.83€/kg/kg H2 (@40 €/MWhel) and 4.32€/kg (@80€/MWhel) with an assumed methane cost of 3.5 cts/kWh. The cost model indicates that operation in electrolysis mode is economically more favourable with an electricity cost of ≤ 50€/MWhel at the assumed gas cost;
- Offer lower cost and low carbon foot print system for distributed supply of hydrogen accelerating the rollout of hydrogen infrastructure in transport;
- Removal of the need for expensive back-up systems for hydrogen supply for the generation of hydrogen from renewable sources, allowing the highly flexible system to couple the different sectors of electricity, industry, mobility and heat;
- Providing additional volumes of stack manufacturing in this application and supporting the volume-driven cost reduction path in further fields of application such as SOE and cogeneration;
- Accessing the markets for several transport and industrial applications catching up emerging opportunities especially in the mobility sector;
- Offering the opportunity for new operational and business models, showing profitability.

- Job creation by contributing to build a new market for efficient and modular hydrogen production systems based on SOC;
- Industrial greening by reaching end-users in industrial sectors that demand a deep decarbonisation.
The Consortium of the SWITCH project
The SWITCH system operating in electrolysis mode (SOE)
Logo of the SWITCH project
Concept of the SWITCH prototype
The SWITCH system operating in fuel cell mode (SOFC)