CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report on the concept planning and operational procedures of FERAWoC from task 31coresponsible NUAA This is done in terms of complexity uncertainty and capacity in order to achieve seamless and flexible en route airspace in China which is adapted to userpreferred and green 4D trajectory operation
Report on ATM avionic system architecture developmentReport on ATM avionic system architecture development (from task 5.1). Report document describing the development process of ATM avionic system architecture supporting greener air traffic operations, including the application architecture, functional architecture and physical architecture.
Project newsletterProject newsletter - from task 8.2. Periodic synthetic leaflet sharing highlights on project project, foreseen Get Together , and interviews of partners
Report about validation of ATM architecture of greener air traffic operationsReport about validation of ATM architecture of greener air traffic operations from task 23coresponsible CARERI Report document describing the whole process and results of greener ATM architecture validation including the scenario simulation model execution and architecture evaluation
Report on the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of aviation emissionsReport on the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of aviation emissions. The report will present the results of the study performed to determine the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of aviation emissions.
Report on description of aviation emissions impact on the environmentReport on description of aviation emissions impact on the environment from task 72 The report will provide a description of the different environmental impacts of aviation and the potential mitigation measures
Report on Air-Ground cooperative operation of long haul flight based on FF-ICEvReport on AirGround cooperative operation of long haul flight based on FFICEv from task 33 CoLead NRIEE Support the trajectory optimization in WP 32 by promoting the airground cooperative operation of long haul flight through the concept and technologies of FFICE as well as increasing the availability of userpreferred 4DT profiles and flexibility of air traffic operation
Report about modelling of operational and system architectureReport about modelling of operational and system architecture ( from task 2.2) co-responsible: CARERI. Report document describing the whole process and results of operational and system architecture modelling of greener ATM system using Model-based System Engineering method, incorporating the graphic description of the models.
Report on trade-offs between environmental impact and performance indicatorsReport on tradeoffs between environmental impact and performance indicators from task 74 The report will present the results of the tradeoff analysis performed between the environmental impact and the performance indicators of flights
Report on long haul conflict-free trajectory optimization under the influence of high altitude wind for flights crossing different types of airspaceReport on long haul conflictfree trajectory optimization under the influence of high altitude wind for flights crossing different types of airspace from tak 32 Coresponsible NUAA This will include advanced algorithms for conflictfree trajectories assignment optimized to greener long haul flight planning under the TBO concept as well as within the proposed FERAWoC approach
Environmental-friendly airspace structuring and traffic sequencingEnvironmental-friendly airspace structuring and traffic sequencing (from Task 4.1). Report on assessment of airspace design including the new operational procedures in various airport environments facing challenges to accommodate these procedures also at high traffic demand
Report on workshops organizationReport on workshops organization from task 73 Document synthesis organizational features of the workshop and results on the participation
Report on L-band digital aeronautical communications system researchReport on Lband digital aeronautical communications system research from task 54 Report document describing the objectives stateoftheart methods implementation and results of Lband digital aeronautical communications system research
Report on supporting FMS and HMI technology researchReport on supporting FMS and HMI technology research from task 52 Report document describing the objectives stateoftheart methods implementation and results of supporting FMS and HMI technology research
Report on multi-constellation GNSS based multi-mode augmentation technology researchReport on multiconstellation GNSS based multimode augmentation technology research from task 53 Report document describing the objectives stateoftheart methods implementation and results of multiconstellation GNSS based multimode augmentation technology research
Validation Report - Final iterationValidation Report Final iteration from task 63 The final Validation Report describes the results of the second iteration The results will be used to confirm or confute the hypotheses outlined in the respective section and also provide input for WP7 and WP2
Arrival, departure and surface management integration and joint schedulingArrival departure and surface management integration and joint scheduling from task 42 Current state of decision support tools for ATCOs 4DCARMA CADEO TRACC MergeStrip List of new user requirements for each tool Integration of the different tools to provide standalone solutions to minimize environmental impact at both hub and mediumsized airports
Current TBO concepts and derivation of the green air traffic management conceptsCurrent TBO concepts and derivation of the green air traffic management concepts (from task 2.1). Review of the current concept for trajectory-based operations (TBO), joint concept for greener air traffic operations for the reduction of aviation’s impacts on climate change.
Roll-over and Mini-Video. Kakemono prepared to serve awareness in events such as workshops and, conferences , and motion design presenting the project overview, team and expected results in a pedagogic way
Project corporate identity and WebsiteProject corporate identity and Website (from task 8.2). Document gathering the definition of the consortium identity (logo, graphical chart), and the website design and architecture
Zhang Yang, Chu Pei, Tian Yungang, Ma Longbiao
Publié dans:
IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Numéro 587, 2020, Page(s) 012068
IOP Publishing
L. Ma, Y. Tian, Y. Zhang and P. Chu
Publié dans:
Proceedings of 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2020, Page(s) 2063-2067
Michael Finke; Rabeb Abdellaoui; Marco-Michael Temme; Matthias Kleinert; Heiko Ehr
Publié dans:
2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Numéro 6, 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-3420-1
Gustavo Alonso, Arturo Benito
Publié dans:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), Numéro 2526, 2023, Page(s) 012014, ISSN 1742-6596
IOP Publishing
Ahrenhold, Nils; Stasicka, Izabela; Abdellaoui, Rabeb; Mühlhausen, Thorsten; Temme, Marco-Michael
Publié dans:
Aerospace; Volume 10, Numéro 3, 2023, Page(s) 278
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