Periodic Reporting for period 2 - UNICOM (Up-scaling the global univocal identification of medicines)
Reporting period: 2021-06-01 to 2022-11-30
IDMP standards are to be used to describe and identify medicinal products, their ingredients, and their packages so that the information can be safely recorded, coded, and exchanged between regional, national, and international stakeholders. Receiving IDMP-compliant data helps regulatory bodies by facilitating and substantially improving regulatory processes around authorising medical products,managing their full life cycle, and rendering global pharmacovigilance and risk management procedures faster and more reliable. In the clinical domain, IDMP compliant data will support improving processes related to (cross-border) prescription exchange, dispensation reporting, or the reconciliation of medicinal products prescribed by independent healthcare professionals treating the same patient.
The UNICOM project's main goal is to enhance and implement the ISO IDMP standards for the univocal identification of medicinal products across participating Member States and stakeholders engaged in the life-cycle data management of medicinal products. As a four-and-a-half year trans-Atlantic semantic interoperability project with a consortium of over forty European and American partners, UNICOM is well situated to provide the collaborative platform needed for such an ambitious goal. UNICOM integrates diverse perspectives and coordinates activities by bringing together multiple stakeholders, such as standard development organisations, national medicines authorities, pharmaceutical industry, national eHealth authorities, medicinal products database providers, cross-border healthcare services, healthcare professionals, patient advocacy groups, and others, into one European Innovation Action focused on IDMP implementation.
Knowledge sharing has been key for the implementation of IDMP at the 11 participating National Competent Authorities (NCAs). Through different workshops, NCAs have shared their experiences with implementing IDMP in their systems and addressed a broad range of associated questions. The UNICOM FHIR IDMP Server (UFIS) was created with the collaboration of various NCA and enabled them to test the EMA implementation guide and identify challenges. UFIS has around 300 medicinal products and will be used for the UNICOM pilots.
The adoption of IDMP in eHealth services has been furthered by defining the guidelines for cross-border interoperability and semantic specifications related to ePrescription/eDispensation(eP/eD) and Patient Summary (PS). Moreover, to support UNICOM pilots, the T6.1 database defines and creates a smart substitution component for integrating eD systems for cross-border use. Cooperation between UNICOM and eHDSI eP cluster resulted in the approval of several change proposals to adopt IDMP and enrich eP/eD and PS. Preproduction test for MyHealth@EU will start in 2023 in synergy with UNICOM pilots. Regarding the use of IDMP in personalised medicine, polypharmacy on a cohort of older adults at the Federico II University Hospital was studied, identifying the polymorphic pharmacogenes that could be responsible for drug-gene interactions. These results are instrumental for clinical pilots in UNICOM. For Medicinal Product Dictionaries (MPDs), the implementation guidance for identifying medicinal products in medicinal products dictionaries has been created. Following the initial socioeconomic impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis framework, an interim report on data collection elaborated on foreseen costs and benefits through different methodologies.
The project management, scientific, and technical coordination offices ensured that the underlying cross-project technical coordination processes were fully functional, including submitting 32 deliverables. In addition to the publishing of regular news items and continued social media engagement, outreach efforts, in accordance with the project's communication and exploitation strategy, included the creation of the UNICOM Newsletter, community of expertise webinars, large consortium meetings, best-practice workshops on ISO IDMP for non-participating NCAs, trans-Atlantic cooperation workshops, and several events focused on the specific use cases of different stakeholders.
More specifically, by the end of the project, UNICOM will have piloted IDMP compliant data feeds to and among National Competent Authorities for Medicinal Products, eHealth organisations, and medicinal product dictionary providers. ISO IDMP enhanced eHealth Pilot Services at national and cross border level with selected patients are planned to demonstrate the project´s impacts. Continued outreach to Member States outside the UNICOM consortium will push for IDMP implementation across the global medicinal product community.