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Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - (Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain)

Reporting period: 2021-02-01 to 2022-05-31

Ageing represents one of the greatest socio-economic challenges of the 21st century. The EU has devoted a high level of resources to support the creation of a considerable number of open platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) domains. However, their impact in the field, as well as their potential, have not been thoroughly analysed yet. Against this background, delivered an inventory and assessed the use of such platforms, covering both open - such as UniversAAL - and partly-open/proprietary platforms developed by the industry. To measure their impacts, the project created a methodology for monitoring open platform development, as well as adoption and spread of such platforms across Europe. As a result, the project established sets of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which determine success or hindrance in their uptake by the end user groups. Seeking to promote the benefits of open platforms for their end users, the project created an Online Information Hub. The Hub provides materials and tools to support the uptake of open platforms in the field and facilitate knowledge exchange with the community. Related actions included, among others, the organisation of several webinars, matchmaking events, a networking and brokerage event, workshops and video interviews. Further, the project developed a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to help healthcare and care organisations, public authorities, health insurance organisations and others interested in the field identify, select and integrate open platforms in their organisations. The consortium designed and implemented into the Hub monitoring and self-evaluation tools, which support open platform providers and their users to self-assess the success and uptake of the platforms and their progress while developing solutions on top of them. To complement the functionalities of the tools and enable access for all related stakeholders to digital technology for active and healthy ageing, the project implemented a Smart Advisor. As such, it facilitates an easy search of the platform for interested parties that suites best their needs and requirements. Last but not least, implemented an interactive map into the Hub, which informs on the deployment sites of open platforms across Europe.
During the project, the consortium achieved many outstanding results. In the following, some of them are highlighted.
To present the main information on the consortium created a project website. As such it ensures that interested entities can find all relevant background information. To engage with the main audience of the project and collect valuable insights, the consortium created the Open Information Hub. The Hub aggregated all relevant project findings, including video recordings of 8 webinars and matchmaking events, and lists more than 45 related projects as well as hosted project’s virtual events. The Open Information Hub showcases a collection of more than 15 open platforms and their aspects of development. The collection supports decision-makers and end users to better understand the benefits of open platforms and how they can be integrated into organisational processes. Additionally, the Hub hosts a directory of more than 60 solutions for active and healthy ageing, which are built upon the showcased platforms or exist as standalone. Thus, it supported older persons, care and healthcare organisations and other decision-makers to get a better understanding of products and services that are already implemented. also conducted more than 35 interviews with experts in the field to collect additional insights on hindrance and success factors for the uptake of open platforms in the AHA and AAL domains as well as 7 best practices to support end users in their decision-making process.The video recordings can be further exploited by organisations to develop more flexible, scalable, interoperable and user-friendly open platforms.
The created MOOC, which aims towards care and healthcare organisations, and policymakers, enabled learners to understand the use of open platforms and identify and integrate them into work processes. To acknowledge participants for acquiring knowledge, the graduates of the Massive Open Online Course were awarded with a digital batch developed by the project. The badge can be uploaded on social media, thus inducing more participants to complete the MOOC also beyond the funding period.
The developed two monitoring and self-evaluation tools supported open platform providers and their users in the AHA and AAL domains to self-assess the uptake of the platforms and their progress while developing solutions on top of them. Providers of open platforms are able, also beyond the project, to assess how their platforms perform over time and in comparison to their main competitors in different evaluation areas and perspectives.
The project gathered information on more than 35 implementation sites of open platforms across Europe and integrated it into an interactive platform map. The map helps current and future projects and initiatives in the field to purposefully tackle existing gaps and innovation needs. Last, created recommendations in the form of downloadable booklets for decision makers.
Based on the extensive knowledge exchange with key players in the field, the project established a set of lessons learned that point out, among others, that a high level of trust, transparency, safety and accountability among the end users of open platforms in the AHA and AAL fields are relevant for the uptake of their services. Moreover, customer and market orientation combined with a strong value proposition can determine how well the solutions offered by the platforms are tailored to the needs of end users. Last but not least, lessons learned from other industries, which have tackled similar challenges need to be collected and replicated in the AHA and AAL domains to support the uptake of open platforms. project achieved the following impacts:
(a) stronger engagement of all ecosystem stakeholders across Europe to utilise their needs and requirements and ensure the “close to the market” development of solutions for active and healthy ageing;
(b) a clearer vision on the technological aspects with respect to the business and contextual dimensions of the open platforms in the field;
(c) successful uptake of open platforms in the AHA/AAL domains to seize the silver opportunity and realise its vast potential;
(d) set the ground for the implementation of relevant policies in the field to alleviate real-life problems and improve quality of life of affected people.
Based on the created support tools and materials on the Open Information Hub as well as the presented insights into the success and hindrance factors for the uptake of open platforms in the AHA and AAL domains, an increase of development activities between open platform providers and their end users was established. Moreover, the facilitated knowledge exchange fostered the development of more harmonised and enhanced platforms’ capabilities to better address the end-user requirements and needs. Booth Poster Upscale of digital technology Rollup - Ecosystem of Open Service Platform in the AHA domain Infogrpahic MOOC Badge MOOC Postcard Leaflet Front Side Leaflet Back Side