Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SWIFTLY (Sharing-economy matching platform to revolutionize last-mile logistics)
Reporting period: 2019-08-01 to 2019-11-30
The use of appified models and AI algorithms to do real-time tracking and analysis of road and carrier data has a great potential to overcome these limitations, lowering transport costs and reducing idle time and vehicle capacity but, so far, existing solutions do not apply AI in their transport management system sand only use real-time tracking for parcel follow up purposes. Nimber develops digital solutions that apply appified models and smart logistics to optimise the efficiency of parcel transport operations.
This action’s goal was to determine the technological, commercial and financial feasibility of the project. To do that, we reviewed our technical development roadmap, which included the new app architecture and the optimisation of the pricing and bundling engine, assessed our commercialisation and IP strategy based on a market study and a financial growth projection considering our current resources and needs.
Commercially, we have also signed collaboration partnerships with important retail and carrier customers in the Nordic countries and extended our network of peer drivers over the 65,000. After analysing our market results in Norway and the UK, we have reassessed our target market and our commercialisation strategy and adapted them to a better use of our resources and current network.