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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Robot Immune System

Description du projet

Renforcer l’immunité des robots contre les cyberattaques

Les robots sont de plus en plus présents dans notre vie quotidienne, aussi bien dans le secteur domestique qu’industriel. Ils jouent un rôle déterminant dans la transition visant à automatiser l’industrie. Les robots sont toutefois vulnérables aux cyberattaques, ce qui signifie que les entreprises sont exposées à des pertes financières, à l’espionnage industriel et à des niveaux de sécurité insuffisants, étant donné que les questions de cybersécurité ont été largement ignorées dans ce domaine. Le projet RIS, financé par l’UE et coordonné par l’entreprise ALIAS ROBOTICS, considère qu’il est indispensable que les robots soient protégés par un bouclier contre les cybermenaces. Le matériel créé par cette entreprise a été baptisé Robot Immune System (RIS). En émulant le système immunitaire humain, il empêche les cyberattaques qui tentent d’exploiter les vulnérabilités des robots.


The new era of robotics is invading our factories, homes, hospitals and productive companies. Although the consumer sector is gaining importance with the introduction of domestic robots such as drones or home appliances, the industrial sector is the largest robotics market and has the highest market share. Industrial robots are helping the migration of the industry to automatization of difficult and repetitive tasks and connected robots are improving productive ratios in a more globalized world. However, the remarckable growth has brought other problems related to security as no solutions are caring about robot vulnerabilities. Cybercrime in robotics could cause a company lose hundreds of thousands of euros, industrial expionage or even worst, can affect into robots operation. Robots cyberattacks may cause physical damage to near operators, compromising safety.

Robot manufacturers or traditional cybersecurity companies are neglecting cybersecurity leaving security issues up to end users, which are the most vulnerable in the value chain of robotics.

ALIAS ROBOTICS is a young firm, founded by a group of experienced entrepreuners with the firm idea that robot cybersecurity is a must. Following this commitment, ALIAS developed the Robot Immune System (RIS), a bioinspired hardware solution which mimics the defensive principle of the human immune system to protect and prevent attackers exploit vulnerabilities in robots. RIS system is oriented to robot end-users and integrates a Artificial Immune framework which empowers Artificial Intelligence to create the next generation robot security. RIS cognitive model has a filed European patent (EP18382834) in all EU countries which will guarantee its protection and its commercial activity in the targeted markets, ensuring its commercialization. ALIAS ROBOTICS' impact is expected to grow 30 M€ in turnover and creating around 180 direct jobs and more than 200 indirect jobs in supplying companies.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Noreste País Vasco Araba/Álava
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 71 429,00