Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PexyEazy (PexyEazy® - an innovative surgical device for treatment of haemorrhoids.)
Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2019-12-31
Developeration AB is a Swedish medical device company founded in 2016 by CEO Dr. Johan Ungerstedt. The company aims to provide innovative solutions for medical and surgical application, in order to improve outcomes, reduce complications and lower costs. Currently, Developeration is focused on helping patients suffering with haemorrhoids through a new innovative device, PexyEazy®, for the surgical treatment of haemorrhoids. Developeration AB has developed a novel, simple-to-use medical device based on modern methods of treating haemorrhoids disease, while preserving the natural function of the haemorrhoid cushions. They key development and commercialization objectives are to manufacture PexyEazy® for clinical study, preclinical validation and clinical studies. To obtain CE mark. Developeration undertook the feasibility study to determine whether the PexyEazy® device and business model were scalable, cost-effective and profitable, and to identify any strengths and weaknesses moving forward.
Developeration’s highly innovative PexyEazy® will offer several medical and economic benefits to Europe and the world. More modern surgical treatments focus on preserving and restoring the haemorrhoids, but they are costly and not affordable for almost all population affected. Thus there is an unmet need for affordable, safe and effective treatments for haemorrhoids, which improve the quality of life and promote healthy well-being for all ages. Developeration aims to address this large unmet need by developing effective and safe surgical treatments, and thereby improve patient wellbeing. With PexyEazy, haemorrhoid treatment using mucopexy technique without the need for manual suturing is possible. Through PexyEazy, Developeration offers a lifechanging treatment for individuals suffering with grade II/III haemorrhoids, by providing a quick, effective and affordable solution.