CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Report summarising the targets achieved through dissemination and communication activities during the course of the project
CSIRT model dedicated to railway, final releaseCo-designed and detailed CSIRT for Railway model, with annexed Requirements and Good Practice Guide validated by reference group (Railway IT and CISOs).
Dissemination planThe plan will define the project dissemination and communication strategies.
Case study requirements and specificationIdentification of railway signalling system used in the project as a case study on which to apply the formal demonstrator prototype.
CSIRT model dedicated to railway, 1st releaseCo-designed and detailed CSIRT for Railway model, with annexed Requirements and Good Practice Guide ready for testing and validation with wider security stakeholder group.
Specification of cost/benefit analysis and learning curves, 1st releaseThe learning curve and the preliminary results of Cost/Benefits analysis.
Specification of cost/benefit analysis and learning curves, final releaseFinal outcome of the CostBenefits analysis
Specification of formal development demostratorThis task is divided into two activities: a) Specification of a formal development demonstrator prototype. The specification of the formal development demonstrator will be based on the use case developed in Shift2Rail-(X2RAIL-2): 5.4.1 Development of Systems with standardized interfaces and it will consist in the identification of the overall process to be followed for the formal analysis and establishing the criteria for suitability of supporting tools. In particular, the definition of the architecture of the formal development demonstrator will include the choice of appropriate formal methods and tools to be integrated taking into account the results produced by current projects in SHIFT2RAIL: ASTRail, X2RAIL-2. Moreover, in this activity we will identify the tools for the description in standard interfaces (e.g. SysML) of the railway subsystem. (D2.1). b) Formal development demonstrator prototype. A detailed description of the process and framework constituting the demonstrator prototype will be released in (D2.2i, first draft). This description will show, in particular, how all the identified components will be integrated and used. This first release of the prototype will be validated on a selected portion of the railway signalling subsystem defined in T2.2. The detailed description of the process and the framework constituting the demonstrator prototype will be finalised in (D2.2f, final release), taking into account the results of the experimentation of the prototype done in Task 2.3. CNR will lead the task providing the specification and the formal development of the demonstrator prototype. ARD will contribute in the activity, ensuring the link with ASTRail. SIRTI will ensure the necessary link with the outcome of X2RAIL-2 and will lead the collaboration with the complementary project X2RAIL-3 through at least one collaboration meeting.
Exploitation planThe Exploitation Plan will be designed in order to multiply the impact of 4SECURail results and prepare the transition towards industrial and commercial uptake in order to fully achieve the expected impact The Exploitation Plan will describe the activities to be undertaken how and by whom in order to ensure the exploitation beyond the project itself
This is for the set up, and going live, of a public website for the project. This will be continuously updated with news and results throughout the life of the project.
A final collaborative environment prototype, supported by its specification linked to user requirements (D3.1), and supported by annexed review of available platforms, along with reported testing results.
Formal development demonstrator prototype, final releaseApplication of the formal development demonstrator to the selected case study.
Formal development demonstrator prototype 1st releaseDetailed description of how all the identified demonstrator components will be integrated and used on a selected portion of the case study.
Basile, Davide; ter Beek, Maurice H.; Legay, Axel
Published in:
Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems ISBN: 9783030500856, Issue 6, 2021, Page(s) 3-21, ISBN 978-3-030-50086-3
Springer Nature
Basile D.; Fantechi A.; Rosadi I.
Published in:
FMICS 2021 - 26th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, pp. 174–190, Online conference, 24-26/08/2021, Issue 13, 2021, Page(s) 174–190, ISBN 978-3-030-85248-1
Springer Nature
Franco Mazzanti and Dimitri Belli
Published in:
5th Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems, 2022, Page(s) 118-144, ISSN 2075-2180
Open Publishing Association
Ferrari A; Mazzantif.; Basile D.; Ter Beek M. H.; Fantechi A.
Published in:
ICSE'20 - 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 62–74, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27/6/2020-19/7/2020, Issue 17, 2020, Page(s) 62-74, ISBN 978-1-4503-7121-6
Association for Computing Machinery
Mazzanti, Franco; Belli, Dimitri
Published in:
4th International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems - RSSRAIL 2022, Issue 12, 2022, Page(s) N/A
Springer Nature
Alessio Ferrari; Franco Mazzanti; Davide Basile; Maurice ter Beek
Published in:
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Issue 15, 2021, Page(s) n/a, ISSN 0098-5589
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Basile D., Ter Beek M. H., Ferrari A., Legay A.
Published in:
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer - STTT, 2022, Page(s) N/A, ISSN 1433-2787
Springer Nature
Davide Basile, Maurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi, Alessio Ferrari, Stefania Gnesi, Laura Masullo, Franco Mazzanti, Andrea Piattino, Daniele Trentini
Published in:
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Applications - 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20–30, 2020, Proceedings, Part III, Issue 12478, 2020, Page(s) 467-485, ISBN 978-3-030-61466-9
Springer International Publishing
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